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Ep #66 The power of simplicity

December 19, 20222 min read

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Are you overcomplicating things in your business?


Everything we do in business boils down to doing three things:


  1. We want to make a bigger impact in this world

  2. We want more time freedom or flexibility

  3. We want to make more money


If we want to create a business that is fulfilling, we need all three.


The only way to make this a reality is to stop making it harder than it needs to be.


I have always been clear on what I wanted to create with my business. The challenge I faced was how complicated the road was.


It felt like an impossible mountain. There was so much to do. So much to get in place.


I was constantly comparing myself to industry giants. Forgetting they had years experience of what worked and didn’t for them. They also had big teams and refined systems.


When we’re just starting out, we want to have it all. Heck, we even convince ourselves that we need to have it all.


If we don’t, no one will take us seriously.


The lesson I have learned is that simple always beats fancy.


Simplicity is the fastest route to the impact, money, and time you want.


There is something important you must understand about simplicity though.


We can make things really simple and still not create an impact, money, or time freedom.


Simplicity needs to be purposeful. It needs to drive your business forward.


In the simplest form, a business is about serving clients.


To serve clients, you must have clients.


Therefore, to create a radically simple business you only need to answer one question.


What is the shortest path to clients?


Simplicity means less decisions. It also means that things can be fixed quicker when they break.


Once the business is simple, the actions are clear. No more messing around.


Where are you overcomplicating?


Where are you keeping busy with adding more things.


What is the shortest path to creating clients in your business?

Book your discovery call here.

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Ilonka Ras

Ilonka is a certified Strategic Intervention Coach and has a passion for helping overworked women entrepreneurs free up space and energy in their day so they have more time for the things that matter to them.

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