The Wildly Aligned Podcast

Your weekly dose of actionable strategies for working less and living more.

The Wildly Aligned Podcast

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Ep# 132 Are You Solving The Wrong Problem

Ep# 132 Are You Solving The Wrong Problem

May 28, 20244 min read



There are two pitfalls business owners fall in when they are solving problems inside their business:

  1. Solving too many problems at once.

  2. They focus on the wrong problem first.

When you solve too many problems at once you can easily break things that were actually working just fine. It’s also hard to remember what you fixed and what the original state was because we don’t always keep track or fix things in a constrained environment.

Back in my biochemistry days we would always have control in all of our experiments. You always had the control to measure your current experiment against. The control was the baseline and in the experiment you would test one variation at a time. In that way, you could easily say Variation A caused this or variation B had this impact. 

We need to do the same when we are solving or changing things inside of our business as well. Firstly we need to know what one variable we are changing and also what the original state before the change was so that if the change does not bring the expected outcome, we can easily change things back.

If we are just blindly making changes inside our business we can do more harm than good.

All problems inside your business aren’t equal either. In other words, some of the problems we are trying to solve won’t make a meaningful difference to our business once we do solve them. 

We need to know which problem is the most important problem to solve NOW.

Which one, when we solve it, will make the biggest impact on the business right now.

The biggest most important problem that requires your attention first is the bottleneck inside your business. It is that one thing that is stopping your business from flowing.

The good news is, there can only ever be one of four bottlenecks inside your business at any given time:

You either aren’t attracting enough leads to your business - which is an attraction bottleneck.

You either aren’t generating enough sales (turning leads into customers) - which is a conversion bottleneck

You aren’t delivering on time - delivery bottleneck

You don’t have cash available inside your business - cash flow bottleneck

Most business owners have a gut feel for where the bottleneck is inside their business but they aren’t always sure where to start solving it or how to unblock it.

This is why we need metrics. We need to track the right numbers inside each of the categories you can have a bottleneck in:

  1. Attraction

  2. Conversion

  3. Delivery

  4. Cashflow

When you know your numbers you will know exactly when there is an issue and where to fix it first. The type of metric you are tracking will give you an indication of how you’re going to solve the problem.

Solving anything but the current bottleneck inside your business is operating inefficiently.

If you want to move your business forward towards your goals faster, you need to always start any and all problem solving with the current bottleneck.

I am hosting a workshop on the 30th of May at 11:30 am and I am going to teach you a very simple tool that will help you determine what your current bottleneck is and help you come up with a solid plan to unblock it and get your business moving forward again.

You will be able to use this tool over and over again in your business at any time because there will always be something that needs solving inside our businesses.

Join me in the Workshop by getting your ticket at

Ready to design a business that can run without you? Learn more about The EffortLESS CEO and let’s discuss how I can help you do just that!

You can watch the video of this episode HERE


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Ilonka Ras

Ilonka is a certified Strategic Intervention Coach and has a passion for helping overworked women entrepreneurs free up space and energy in their day so they have more time for the things that matter to them.

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