The Wildly Aligned Podcast

Your weekly dose of actionable strategies for working less and living more.

The Wildly Aligned Podcast

Your weekly dose of actionable strategies for working less and living more.

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REPLAY Take my money! Why you need a sales system

REPLAY Take my money! Why you need a sales system

May 21, 20245 min read



There are 4 systems every service-based mom entrepreneur needs if you wants to build a business that can support you in living the life you wants to live instead of always working, always being plugged into your business, and not being able to switch off from it because if you’re not doing every single thing then your business doesn’t exist. 

We cannot manage what we don’t measure. Having clear systems helps us to manage our business more effectively because we can measure what works and what doesn’t. It also helps to eliminate busy work and to problem solve faster because you know exactly where to look for when you are not getting the results you want.

Our 5 part series starts in episode 73 of the podcast, so head over there and get the foundational pieces in place so that you can work less and live more!

Here’s a recap of  the four systems we are covering in this 5 part episode series:

  • Attraction/ Visibility System

  • Sales/Conversion System

  • Delivery System

  • Cash System

Many of my clients struggle with the idea of systematizing their businesses because they are service-based businesses, meaning, they sell their time for money. Most of them are also an expert in their industry, so they find it hard to believe they can build a business that can run independently of them.

The truth is, if you’re a service-based business you can definitely implement systems that will free up time in your day so that you can do more of the things you love doing in your business, focus on the strategic part of running a business business, or even just have the time to do things outside your business without stressing that the wheels will fall off. 

If you’ve been in business for a while, you know that having a consistent stream of clients is essential to the sustainability of your business. If we don’t have clients, we don’t have a business. We cannot serve people who aren’t there! We need a way to consistently bring people in, instead of hoping that people will buy what you have to offer simply because it exists.

What exactly is a sales system and why do you need one? 

Let’s break it down.

A sales system is simply a way of organizing and streamlining the entire process of selling your services. It includes everything from lead generation and nurturing, the value of your service and how you price them, the transformation or results people can expect when they work with you, client follow-up, and onboarding. 

It’s basically the journey of taking your audience and turning them into a lead, building a relationship with that person and then turning them into a customer. Think of it like an instruction manual, that takes you step by step through each phase of the sales process - from first contact with prospective customers to closing the deal and delivering the final product or service. 

Having a comprehensive sales system in place allows you to keep track of all your leads, prospects, and customers so that nothing falls through the cracks.

It also tells you where your bottlenecks are and where to look when things are not working. 

Why Do You Need A Sales System?

Besides the obvious fact of making more money, a sales system also ensures consistency across the board - from prospecting to follow up - so that no matter who’s working on your team at any given time they know exactly what needs to be done and how it should be done. 

Second, having all your processes outlined in one place makes them easier to replicate when needed, which means hiring and outsourcing is a lot less time consuming and stressful.

Third, having an organized system for managing leads and prospects helps ensure that you’re always following up with potential customers so that no opportunities are missed. 

Finally, you can stop reinventing the wheel every day. This means you can work with more efficiency, and produce the same or better results with less effort.

How to create a sales system for your business

Chances are, you already have a system in place. It simply needs to be extracted and refined.

Ask yourself the following questions to start the process of defining and refining your sales system:

  1. What are you currently doing that takes potential customers or leads to paying customers? 

  2. What is the process you follow to turn a lead into a paying customer? 

Avoid these common pitfalls when creating your sales system:

  • Don’t add things that you think you should do, rather look at what you are currently doing that is working and refine that process. (How can you do what’s already working more efficiently?)

As a service-based mom entrepreneur, having an organized sales system in place is essential for success! Not only will it help ensure consistency across the board but it will also make it easier for you (and anyone else on your team) to manage leads and prospects efficiently - leading to more conversions and higher profits!


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Ilonka Ras

Ilonka is a certified Strategic Intervention Coach and has a passion for helping overworked women entrepreneurs free up space and energy in their day so they have more time for the things that matter to them.

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