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Ep#01 What does it mean to be aligned?

October 08, 20214 min read

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We hear the term a lot in the self-improvement industry. But what does it really mean to be aligned as a mom entrepreneur? In this episode of the Mom Aligned Podcast, I share what Aligned means to me and how you can live a life of alignment.

Aligned means your thoughts, feelings, and actions are working together to create what you desire. Everything is moving together towards what you want to create for yourself.

This is what some may call being in the flow. Being in the zone. Or as I call it, being aligned.

What is super important to understand is that being aligned is a deliberate process. You don't create a high-quality life by accident. It happens ONLY when you intend on MAKING it happen. When your attention is on making it happen.

You may be asking:

  • How do we know when we're not in alignment?

  • How do we get into alignment?

In order to know whether you are in alignment, you need to know 2 things.

  1. Be clear on what you want.

  2. Pay attention to how you're feeling.

Ever notice how we can talk (for literally) hours about what we don't want. So often, moms come to me feeling stuck on this.

They say things like:

"...but I don't know what I want anymore."

"I've lost that drive or feeling of purpose."

If you're stuck and you feel like you don't know what you want, start by looking at what you don't want. Get really specific about it. Because, what you want is on the opposite end of what you don't want.

I don't want to be tired all the time. Okay, so the opposite of that would be to have more energy, right?

I don't want this much debt. The opposite of that would be I want to be financially free or I want to be financially secure.

I don't want to spend hours on social media trying to grow my business with nothing to show for it. The opposite of that could be something like: I want to grow my business in a way that is consistent but also feels good.

Finding the opposite is expansion. We are training our brain to look for what we DO want.

Your next question may be...okay so I know what I want but how do I actually get it.

It is in this loaded question: HOW that we tend to get stuck. Where we start getting overwhelmed because we don't know how! When we're truly honest with what we want, often, it's something we haven't done before. So we don't know how yet.

The way is wrapped up in your desire of the thing. So the fact that you desire it means that there is a way (many ways actually) of getting to that desire.

So, once you're clear on what you want, ask yourself:
What is ONE thing you could do to take you closer.

You don't need to see the entire road. You just need to get some momentum. Action breeds clarity and as we gain momentum...that next step shows itself.

The only thing you need to pay attention to as you're creating and taking action is to PAY ATTENTION to how you feel. If you're not feeling good, the action you're going to take will NOT give you the results you're looking for. When we feel good, that feel-good energy rubs off on what we're doing.

So if you're not seeing the things you want in your life. I want you to know that it is only because you're not aligned with the vibration of those things. You're not thinking, feeling, and doing the things that are on the same frequency as what you desire. And the FASTEST way to get aligned is to pay attention to how you're feeling.

your aligned action task and takeaway

1. Write down exactly what you want in every area of your life. What do you want for your business? What do you want for your relationships? What do you want for your money or finances? For your health?

2. Notice your predominant feeling going through your day. Are you feeling good? Or are you moving through your day in a state of overwhelm, frustration, irritability, anger. How you FEEL at any given time is your guide to whether you are aligned or not.

resources mentioned during the episode

The Mom Mantras - 52 Empowering thoughts for mom entrepreneurs - Download Here

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Ilonka Ras

Ilonka is a certified Strategic Intervention Coach and has a passion for helping overworked women entrepreneurs free up space and energy in their day so they have more time for the things that matter to them.

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