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Ep#12 The power of confident decisions

December 12, 20215 min read

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Our current adventure of building a house has come with many ups and downs and it has been a wonderful reminder of the power that lies in making decisions confidently.

In this episode of the Mom Aligned Podcast, I share why it is important to make decisions and how you can do so with more confidence.

Building this home as a family has been a great opportunity to grow and evolve, as a mom, wife, and also an entrepreneur. In the process of designing the home, getting the right contractors, and dealing with all the moving pieces, there are a lot of decisions that need to be made along the way.

Some of the decisions are really big and some are not so big. But at the end of the day, every single decision affects what the house will look like at the end of the day.

And just like this house, we also have so many decisions to make in our businesses.

Every area of our lives requires us to be able to make decisions.

Every decision we make is creating our life and business. It affects what we end up with.

No pressure! Haha

Have you ever made a decision and now looking back you know that your life would have been completely different if you made a different decision?

It's obvious that our ability to make decisions confidently literally shape our lives.

One thing that really stands out for me in this process of building a home is that you sometimes need to make decisions on things that you can’t see the end result of initially.

You make a decision about the wiring or the electricity but you’ll only be able to SEE it once you can switch the lights on, so you make this decision even before there is a roof or walls so you can’t visually see it. And yet it is a crucial decision.

The same is true for business.

Sometimes we make decisions and the outcome of that decision is immediate. Like choosing your brand colours.

In other cases, we make decisions and we have zero clue where it’s going to take us and it’s these decisions that really trip us up!

We procrastinate, we get overwhelmed, we don’t make a decision. Instead we dabble in things. Trying it
all because we are scared of making the wrong decision or missing a great opportunity.

This also makes life very complicated. And very tiring as well. It’s being stuck in that “I don’t know what to do here”

I want to simplify making a decision for you today so that you don’t stay stuck spinning. So that you can make decisions that are aligned with your bigger goals and vision. And so that you can see results faster.

The definition of “Decision” actually has Latin roots. The meaning of the word “decide” comes from the Latin word, "decidere", which literally means to CUT OFF everything except the things that matter most.

Making a decision means you're choosing to focus on what matters most.

Despite the fact that we need to make some "incisions" (a.k.a decisions) in our lives we must also know what is important.

This is can be difficult because we don’t like limiting ourselves or cutting things off. We also don’t like uncertainty. We want to know whether we’re making the right choice!

People stay stuck in their lives for years because they don’t want to make a decision. We sometimes overcomplicate things because we think it should be hard. That it should be complicated.

But you can make 6 figures with simplicity. In fact. The people who scale past six figures…they have very simple business models. They typically have one offer.

When I was in Russel Brunson’s mentorship program. He always said that you do not create another funnel until the first one hits a million. (For those who aren’t familiar with funnels…it is basically a sales system. A system that takes your customer from knowing you to buying from you.)

The Clickfunnels slogan is "You’re just one funnel away." One funnel away From whatever success you want.

This means you must ignore all the other options. Choose one funnel and go all in on it. Cutting off all the other shiny objects. BUT to cut off all other options freaks us out! Because we think we’re going to miss out on other opportunities and what if those opportunities are THE opportunities.

We’re also scared because we are afraid of making the wrong decision.

Check in with yourself: How much time and energy are you spending on NOT making the decision? Creating anxiety for yourself.

So here’s my process for making decisions with intention.

  1. Know what you want - I want my house to be beautiful but also warm and welcoming. I want it to be bold, simple, minimalistic. Can you see how knowing what I want can help me make decisions faster? I can run it through this filter of: Is this going to take me closer to that vision?

  2. Do you like your reason? Whatever you decide. Whether you do something or not, like your reason. How do you know you like the reason? How does it make you feel. Restriction or expansion (don’t mistake stepping out of your comfort zone as restriction). If you are giving someone money because you feel bad. You may regret it in the future.

  3. Instead of spinning in “I DON’T KNOW”. Choose. Commit. Be all in on that decision. If it doesn’t work get to choose again and learn something in the process.

your aligned action task and takeaway

  1. Answer this for yourself: What decision are you procrastinating on?

  2. Give yourself the liberating gift of making the decision and see what adventure it leads you on.

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Ilonka Ras

Ilonka is a certified Strategic Intervention Coach and has a passion for helping overworked women entrepreneurs free up space and energy in their day so they have more time for the things that matter to them.

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