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Ep#13 Work HIGHER, not Smarter.  

December 19, 20216 min read

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We’ve all heard that we should work smarter, not harder. But I want to share a new concept with you. A concept that has us working higher instead of smarter.

I learned this concept from my coach Carla White who in turn learned it from her mentor Myron Golden,  and I wanted to share this with you because when you understand this deeply and implement it in all areas of your business and life, you are going to level up in ways you didn’t even know was possible!

If you’ve been listening for a while you know I love talking about the limiting beliefs that hold us back as women and entrepreneurs. We have stories we tell ourselves and some of these stories keep us from living the large life that was intended for us.

One of the biggest limiting beliefs that I would say is universal
(and one that so many people believe at their core) is that it takes hard work to make money.

It is important to shift these beliefs because when we think different, we start becoming a different person, when we become different we do different and when we do different we get different results.

As we’re growing up we hear things like: You have to work hard if you want to get anywhere…and although I am a believer in taking massive action towards what we want to create, I also know from personal experience that it doesn’t need to be hard.

If hard work was the only requirement to make a lot of money then people who spend 40 hour weeks in the sun building roads or working with their hands would have a ton of money. But this is often not the case, right?

In fact, when you look at some of the richest people in the world, their money actually works for them. It multiplies while they’re sleeping, right?

So, why is this? Why do some people work extremely hard and yet it seem like they never get ahead financially and why do others like the Elon Musks and Oprah’s of this world come up with an idea and then make a bazillion dollars?

I am going to share why in this episode and more importantly how you can start implementing this into your life and business TODAY so that YOU can make more money. Because let’s face it.
The more money you make, the more impact you can make. Don’t believe me? Go and google the budget Mother Theresa had to make the impact she did.

Money doesn’t come from work.

This is just another belief we hold.
Money comes from the value we put out into this world and it also comes from our imagination. When I say value I am referring to market value. Something people are willing to exchange their dollars and cents for. Not YOUR value as a person. (Because that is priceless.)

Now, stay with me for a quick moment. This concept was really challenging for me at first! In the simplest form, money is energy and it is everywhere! We can attract it or repel it.

There is a saying that
no one thinks about money more than the poor. Why is this? They don’t have it right, and they want it. They need it. There is this desperate energy around money and the feeling they have towards it is that of lack.

I was once talking to a client and she mentioned how she built her business from the ground up and it just sort of exploded without her even planning it. When we dived into this a bit more, one of the things she said was: "It was never about the money. I started this business because I wanted to create an experience for women, a place where they could get creative and feel better about themselves."

It was clear to me that money was not her focus. It was a byproduct of doing something she had an absolute passion while creating a ton of value for her clients. But she was also in high vibrations. She felt GOOD and this attracted money to her.

This doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with wanting to make money, it is more about the shift in feeling or emotion that we need to make in order to go from: I need money to an abundant feeling of it is already here. (Listen to Episode 2: Your need is what's keeping it away from you here)

Okay, so let me explain the four levels of value and how this relates to the money you make in your business.

The 4 Levels of Value Creation

LEVEL ONE - IMPLEMENTATION - this is the level where value is created by physical means (work with your hands), we are physically implementing something or doing something in the business.

Examples of this level of value creation:

  • Hairdressers,

  • Nail techs,

  • The person who shapes your eyebrows.

  • Think about the person that sits and designs the website or the graphics for social media.

They are DOING the work. Trading their time for money.

There is a cap to what they can earn. There is always an exception to the rule. But for the most part they earn anything between minimum wage and about 80k per year.

They believe: "The harder I work, the more successful I will be"

LEVEL TWO - UNIFICATION - value creation by creating oneness in an organization. Prevent chaos from happening. This is the level of managing people.

Examples of this level of value creation:

  • All levels of management

Their earning cap is anywhere between approximately $40k/year to about $250k/year.

They believe: "The more I educate myself, the more degrees or certificates I get, the more I will earn"

IMPORTANT NOTE! These first two values are valuable. WE NEED these levels of value creation. BUT this is not where the most Wealth is created. It is created at the top two levels.

LEVEL THREE - COMMUNICATION - value is created by spoken word. People who use their words to create market value. They have conversations and tell stories and make a ton of money.

Examples of this level of value creation:

  • Actors

  • Sales people

  • Speakers

  • Authors

LEVEL FOUR - IMAGINATION - value is created with the imagination. People who have ideas and vision. Think of people like Walt Disney, Elon Musk. They are visionaries. They see something others can’t. Then they create it.

Their earning potential is also anything from millions to literally trillions. There is no cap.

It’s NOT about working harder OR smarter. It is about working HIGHER.

your aligned action task and takeaway

  1. On what level are you working or spending the most of your time right now? Implementation? Or Imagination and Communication?

  2. Spend more time creating from your imagination and learning how to communicate in a way that connects to your people.

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Ilonka Ras

Ilonka is a certified Strategic Intervention Coach and has a passion for helping overworked women entrepreneurs free up space and energy in their day so they have more time for the things that matter to them.

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