The EffortLESS CEO Podcast

Your weekly dose of actionable strategies for working less and living more.

The EffortLESS CEO Podcast

Your weekly dose of actionable strategies for working less and living more.

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EP# 135 Time does not create results

EP# 135 Time does not create results

June 18, 20244 min read



If you’re struggling to manage your time or you feel like there simply aren’t enough hours in your day to get through all the work that’s on your plate…this episode is for you.

When I started focusing on being more productive and taking control over my schedule I was always fixated on how long things took. The amount of time I was spending on something.

I would create my plan for the week and block out time for the specific tasks on my to do list and without me realizing it at the time, my focus and attention was on how much I could get done in a week.

My focus was ons how many things I was doing and could check off my to do list.

You’ve heard the popular productivity tip of “if it takes less than 2 minutes just get it done.

The problem is…you can cram in many pointless 2min activities into your day and still not get anywhere.

This is the problem with trying to be more productive. Our focus is on getting things done. Ticking things off a list. The attention is not on whether those things actually move our businesses forward.

Most business owners are spending time on the wrong things in their day to day And this is mostly because their focus is on how much they’re getting done and how long things take rather than the impact created by the action you’re taking.

It’s more about ticking things off a list than doing what is necessary to grow.

This is what I like to call the productivity trap. We get lost in our never ending to do list, focusing on getting things checked off quickly. We feel accomplished when we can tick all the boxes. We then feel productive when in fact we’re simply just busy.

If you look at your to-do list…stop for a minute and ask yourself…if I do all these tasks. What result will I have accomplished?

Another way of looking at it is: if I am going after x result, are these tasks on my to do list all absolutely necessary in order for me to achieve that result?

By asking yourself these questions you will ensure that what is getting your attention inside your business is actually worth it.

When you consider how we create results in our business, the amount of time we spend on something is irrelevant. 

When you think about the outcome you are aiming for, the only time you need to be worried about how ling it’s going to take is when you’re deciding what your deadline for this specific outcome is. We give ourselves a deadline so that we create a boundary around the actions we need to take. This is the only time where time is relevant.

Time has nothing to do with how you get to the outcome.

Time is irrelevant in creating results.

Everything takes time. Some things take more time than others but it’s never time that does the work. It’s you.

Our results are driven by the action we take. Our focus should be on the kind of action we take, taking action consistently, and doing what is necessary to create the desired outcome.

When you plan your day or your week: always start with the outcome you’re going for. What results do you want to achieve this week. What results are you working towards this month. Some outcomes won’t be achieved this week, you might be working in them for multiple weeks, months, sometimes years. That’s okay. 

Stop focusing on the time it takes or how fast you can get things done and focus on creating results that matter inside your business.

When you filter everything you’re doing through this lens your focus will shift from being productive to being effective.

When you are effective…your business will grow and you will have a lot less busywork on your plate.

You can watch this weeks podcast video HERE

Thanks for listening. See you next week!

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Ilonka Ras

Ilonka is a certified Strategic Intervention Coach and has a passion for helping overworked women entrepreneurs free up space and energy in their day so they have more time for the things that matter to them.

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