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Ep#15  You Get What You Expect

January 02, 20223 min read

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What are you expecting for yourself, your family, and your business this year? Are you expecting things to be better or just more of the same? And are you unconsciously aligning to what you don’t want?

When we look at the circumstances around us, we give all those things meaning.

We decide this is good, that is bad, this makes me a good mom, this means I am a good or bad person. We decide what it all means.

We don’t consciously think about our expectations because we’re in the habit of expecting what we’re used to seeing.

We’re in the habit of expecting what we’re used to seeing

Expectation means: "a strong belief that something will happen or be the case" (another word for expectation is belief).

We expect based on what we believe is possible.

We’re so used to looking at the way things are and then expecting it to continue to be that way.

So let’s say your on your way to a busy shopping mall. Do you expect to get a parking?

For the most part, we expect that we might have to drive around for a bit since it might be super busy but we do expect that we will find one...eventually.

We expect to find a parking space. So we do.

Sounds obvious but here is an important thing to get:

We believe that certain things are easy to get if we expect to get it and that other things are difficult to get.

Once you expect something. It happens. - Abraham Hicks

In order for us to realise our full potential and live a life that blows our own minds we have to start raising our expectations.

You cannot base your expectations off of what is currently in your reality.

The future is not based on the present. ANYTHING can change. Anything is possible.

What got you here won’t get you there. When you expect more, you show up differently. You raise your standards. You vibrate at a diff frequency. You do differently. You GET differently.

If you’re not where you want to be yet, it shows me what you’ve been expecting. And this is directly tied to what you believe is possible

your aligned action task and takeaway

Journal on all the good things you're expecting for yourself, your family, and your business this year!

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Ilonka Ras

Ilonka is a certified Strategic Intervention Coach and has a passion for helping overworked women entrepreneurs free up space and energy in their day so they have more time for the things that matter to them.

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