The EffortLESS CEO Podcast

Your weekly dose of actionable strategies for working less and living more.

The EffortLESS CEO Podcast

Your weekly dose of actionable strategies for working less and living more.

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Podcast Episode 152

Raise The Ceiling

October 22, 20246 min read


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We all have limits we’re placing on ourselves. Sometimes we know where we’re holding ourselves back and other times…our limits are invisible to us. We don’t know we are limiting ourselves because of the blueprint we have. The filters we’re looking through. Today, we’re exposing those limits so you can expand what’s possible and achieve bigger things in your life and business.

Uncovering Self-Imposed Limiting Beliefs

One of the tools we use in coaching is called the Life Wheel. It’s a simple but effective tool that helps you get clear on where you’re at in the key areas of your life, where you’d like to be, and what you think needs to happen to get there.

Here’s how it works:

You rate each area or your life or business on a scale of 1 to 10. A 1 means things are tanking in that area, and a 10 means it's exactly how you want it to be, everything’s firing on all cylinders.

Once we know what the baseline is for every area, we can now look at the “problem” areas and ask two very important questions:

  1. Why did you rate the area that number? So why a 3 and not a 7?

  2. What needs to happen in order to make it a 10?

The wheel shows us the gap and it also allows us to explore the things that we think should happen in order to improve that specific area.

It’s a way for us to focus on one area at a time and make the changes we need to make where it will have the biggest impact on the bigger picture.

Here's a copy of the wheel I use with my clients for their business in the show notes. I have also included one for your life in general that you can use to gain awareness of where you should focus first.

The wheel gives us an insight into so many things and as the coach…it also tells me what the unconscious limits are that you have placed on yourself that you don’t even realise you have. And I can see those limits clearly when you tell me what things will look like at a 10.

It tells me where you are holding yourself back.

I have a client that has been coaching with me for well over 2 years now, we did the wheel exercise with her business. 

She rated her current annual revenue at an 8.

When I asked her why she rated it an 8 her answer was:

She was doing well. Consistent stream of clients, income coming in regularly, things were flowing. 

To get to a ten, she just wanted to increase her revenue by about 20%. If she did she would consider things to be at a 10. 

In our discussion it was very obvious that she was earning way below her potential. Her business could easily do double even triple of what she was currently generating. With small tweaks she could have a massive impact on her business.

Because my job is to challenge what she thinks is possible. I asked her the following question:

‘What if what you think is an 8 right now… is actually a 2?’

What if the ceiling you’ve set for yourself at the ten is actually only a fraction of what is possible? What if you’ve set the ceiling too low..

She was intrigued. Even a bit skeptical because she hadn’t gone to that place yet. She hasn’t allowed herself to dream at a bigger level for herself or her business. And even when she did, it sounded like a nice idea but it didn’t feel doable or achievable for her. This is not because she lacked confidence, not because she didn’t believe in her abilities—she genuinely thought she was at her peak. But what she didn’t realize was, her peak was actually just a plateau. Her current blueprint only allowed her to go to a certain level. Her current beliefs and perspectives kept her ceiling in place.

You see, we get comfortable. We reach a certain level, and we stop questioning how much further we can go. We tell ourselves, ‘This is as good as it gets,’ not because it’s true, but because we can't imagine anything beyond that. And not because we don’t want more for ourselves but simply because we haven’t actually considered what could be available to us.

It’s like living in a house with a low ceiling, and never looking up to realize there’s a whole second floor above you. You keep bumping your head, thinking, ‘That’s it, that’s the limit,’ when really, you’ve just been crouching this whole time.

This is one of the reasons why I believe everyone should have a coach. To have someone with a different perspective. Someone that can challenge our status quo. Your coach doesn’t have the same filter of belief in you. In fact, coaches are trained to hold bigger bolder beliefs for you. To call you higher. This is also why you need to put yourself in rooms where your thoughts are stretched beyond the limits of what you believe can be done. Rooms where people are doing things bigger than you’ve ever done. Because that’s where the real magic happens.

It's because it will challenge you to expand what you think is possible. It will show you it is possible. When you get coaching and you spend time with those who are further ahead, it will give your brain proof…until you have seen enough proof to start believing it is possible for you too.

Challenging Your Comfort Zone

So, here’s what I suggest: look at the areas in your business that actually matter to you. Your revenue. Your team. The hours you work—and how much of that work you genuinely enjoy.

Rate them on a scale of 1 to 10. Be honest. And then… challenge yourself. Ask yourself what a 10 would look like and then raise the ceiling. What if you’ve only scratched the surface of what’s possible? How much more could you experience? How much bigger could your impact be? How much better could life get?

Esther Hicks says:

‘The gap between where you are and where you want to be is only the 

difference in your beliefs.’ 

Let that sink in.

Your comfort zone isn’t just where you stop growing—it’s where you’ve stopped imagining, stopped playing with the edges of what you currently believe is available for you. The real growth happens when you test the edges of the limits you’ve set for yourself, where you dare to ask for more. 

So, what if your ceiling is actually the floor? What if everything you thought was the ‘peak’ is just the beginning? 

Thanks for tuning in to The EffortLESS CEO Podcast. I’ll see you in the next episode.

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Ilonka Ras

Ilonka is a certified Strategic Intervention Coach and Clockwork Certified Partner, helping business owners have more money and time freedom by building a business that can run without them.

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