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Ep#18 Consistency

January 24, 20223 min read

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Wouldn't it be nice to work out and eat healthy for a day only to wake up the next morning with rock hard abs?


The thing is though, we know that in order to achieve the health goals we want (or any goals for that matter) we must take consistent action (the right action) to get there.

The act of being consistent has a profound effect on so many areas of our life but specifically on our business.

We have a responsibility as entrepreneurs to design an experience for our clients that they will never forget, serve them at the highest possible level, and leave them WANTING more. Consistency lies at the heart of this.

"Being persistent may lead you to the door but consistency is the key that unlocks it." - Kenny Dassinger

Here is my recommendation on getting started with designing and creating a consistent experience for your clients:

  1. Consider what you want your customer to feel when they interact with your brand. How do you want them to feel every time they see you online, buy from you, receive a service or product from you. Think about this experience and write down what comes to mind.

  2. Define your customer's journey from the first interaction when they learn about your business, engaging with you and enquiring on how they can work with you, to you providing or fulfilling the service they paid for. Where can you create a more consistent experience that makes them feel like the most important part of your business?

  3. What systems (preferably automated) can you put in place to ensure that you and/or your team provide that consistent experience.

  4. Check in every 90 days and evaluate how things are going and whether there is a way to improve on the existing way of doing things.

As a last note and word of encouragement, don't let the process overwhelm you. Put yourself in the shoes of your customer and start small.

The next LIVE Work less, Live more Workshop is coming up!

This is a live 2-hour virtual event where you will learn how to build a business that gives you the flexibility you wanted when you started this business.

I will be sharing the real reason why we get so overwhelmed as mom entrepreneurs and how you can get rid of it once and for all.

I will also be sharing my Work Less Live More Framework for working 20hrs or less per week by simplifying and organising your business on the back end so that it can work while you sleep.

You can grab your complimentary ticket HERE

your aligned action task and takeaway

1. Do an evaluation of your customer journey and determine where you are lacking in being consistent with the experience you want to create for your customers or clients.

2. Sign up here for the upcoming FREE Work Less, Live More Workshop

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Ilonka Ras

Ilonka is a certified Strategic Intervention Coach and has a passion for helping overworked women entrepreneurs free up space and energy in their day so they have more time for the things that matter to them.

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