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Ep#19 It's not their job to believe in you.

January 30, 20224 min read

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Have you ever felt that the important people in your life don't believe in you as much as you need them to? Perhaps they're even trying to convince you to play smaller or let go of that crazy dream?

In today's episode, I share my take on expecting others to believe in us and what you need to do if they don't.

Do you ever feel you don't have the support you need from those closest to you? Specifically as it relates to your entrepreneurial journey?

Perhaps your spouse or partner doesn't believe this business venture will work or be as successful as you want it to be.

Maybe it's that best friend who's skeptical about your dreams or works hard to convince you to lower your expectations and protect your from being disappointed.

Whether it's your better half, a close friend, your parents, or the in-laws, we all know what it's like to have someone in our life that's not in our corner of the ring.

"Don't let what other people think decide who you are." - Dennis Rodman

Although our beliefs can feel like hard facts, they're not. We know it's possible to change them.

What we believe and our level of self belief is crucial to getting from where we are to where we want to be because what we believe drives how we feel. It drives our emotions. Our emotions in turn has a huge impact on how we act and it is our actions in this world that drives the results we get.

So, if you're not seeing the kind of results you desire in your life right now, check in on the beliefs you hold around that desire.

Every person on this planet has their own view of the world. They're own perspectives and opinions. Sometimes, they match with ours and it's easy to get along. Other times, our model of the world is so different that it's hard to connect and respect each other.

When someone
(even if it's someone really close and important to you) does not believe in you 100%, it doesn't mean you're doing something wrong or that you should put the breaks on your dreams. It simply means that they have their perspective and their own beliefs of what's possible for themselves, often times projecting that limiting belief onto you.

We project our own beliefs onto others.

Believing in yourself is a skill that can be learned. And it's an important one.

The easiest place to start believing bigger is to get a new perspective. Surround yourself with people who have achieved what you want to achieve. Find proof in the real world that it's possible. Write down what you want and ask yourself what you need to believe in order to make it happen!

It's lovely if we have people who believe in us when we don't BUT if you don't have someone who can hold the belief for you...why not decide that you'll be that person for YOU instead?

The next LIVE
Work less, Live more Workshop is coming up!

This is a live 2-hour virtual event where you will learn how build your self belief and create a business that fuels the life you desire.

I will be sharing the real reason why we get so overwhelmed as mom entrepreneurs and how you can get rid of it once and for all.

I will also be sharing my Work Less Live More Framework for working 20hrs or less per week by simplifying and organising your business on the back end so that it can work while you sleep.

You can grab your complimentary ticket HERE

your aligned action task and takeaway

1. Stop expecting others to believe in you. It is your responsibility.

2. Where can you believe bigger for someone who is struggling to believe in themselves today?

2. Sign up here for the upcoming FREE Work Less, Live More Workshop

connect with me





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Ilonka Ras

Ilonka is a certified Strategic Intervention Coach and has a passion for helping overworked women entrepreneurs free up space and energy in their day so they have more time for the things that matter to them.

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