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Ep#02 Your need is keeping it away from you!

October 09, 20213 min read

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How often to you think or hear yourself saying: "I need more...(insert whatever you feel is missing in your life).

The need for more clients, we more money, a better car, more space, more connection. The list goes on.. It sounds very innocent, doesn't it? Besides, what's wrong with wanting or needing more?

The problem with needing something is that the feeling of needing it comes from a place of lack and scarcity.

When we NEED more of anything, we're basically saying that we don’t have enough of what we want. And it's this feeling of not enough that creates exactly the opposite of what we DO want.

When I opened the doors of my very first real business (an organic spa and yoga studio) things went well, we gradually started getting new clients in...but at some point...the clients weren’t coming in fast enough or often enough for us to pay our business expenses on time. So, this need for more clients was born.

Urgency and lack filled the air and people could sense it. They could smell it like someone with bad body odor. Our level of professionalism, the quality of our products and services wasn't able to beat the feeling of scarcity that was in the air.

NEED stinks. It makes your customers feel unsafe.

The energy of NEEDING it will create the opposite of what you want. Therefor you must focus on what the dominant energy is behind how you’re showing up.

You want to show up with clean confidence. With a belief in your product or service that comes from a place of:
THEY WANT THIS and you must create a space where your client feels safe. Your client will only buy when he/she knows you can solve their problem and feel safe buying from you.

Where do we start then?

The best place to start is by focusing on your client.

How do they need you to show up right now? Who do you need to be in order for them to feel safe and connected to you? Who do you need to be so that your client will know that YOU CAN HELP THEM?

Whenever you notice that you’re operating from a space of NEED. This is your signal that you’re operating from lack, scarcity, fear. Your attention is not on serving your client and it's time to refocus.

your aligned action task and takeaway

1. Don't take action from a place of NEED.

2. Shift your attention to your client and take action from a place of SERVICE. Remember, clients buy when they KNOW YOU CAN HELP THEM.

3. Journal prompt: How would you show up in this moment if you believed with 100% certainty that your success is inevitable?

resources mentioned during the episode

The Mom Mantras - 52 Empowering thoughts for mom entrepreneurs - Download Here

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Ilonka Ras

Ilonka is a certified Strategic Intervention Coach and has a passion for helping overworked women entrepreneurs free up space and energy in their day so they have more time for the things that matter to them.

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