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Ep#20 Stop Trying.

February 06, 20222 min read

👉Listen To The Episode Here👈

Are you trying to make a decision? Trying to do something?

Listen to this episode to learn why you need to stop.

"I am trying to..."

When we tell ourselves (and others) we're trying to decide or trying to do something, what we're actually doing is keeping ourselves stuck in indecision, overwhelm, and confusion.

You may be thinking that trying to do something is still moving forward but the truth is, you can't try to do something (sit down and try to stand can't! You're either sitting or standing!)

I've realised that when I tell myself I am
trying to do something...I am actually resisting making a decision or resisting taking the action that will really drive me forward.

Trying is resisting

In this episode of the Mom Aligned podcast I share some insights into "trying" things and why we need to be conscious when we say this to ourselves.

your aligned action task and takeaway

1. Notice when you say "I'm trying..."

2. Ask yourself what decision and/or action you're resisting?

2. Sign up here for the upcoming FREE Work Less, Live More Workshop

connect with me





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Ilonka Ras

Ilonka is a certified Strategic Intervention Coach and has a passion for helping overworked women entrepreneurs free up space and energy in their day so they have more time for the things that matter to them.

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