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Ep#21 How to create ANY result you want

February 13, 20222 min read

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The results you see in your business come from the actions you take. But what drives your actions?

In this week's episode of the Mom Aligned Podcast, I share what the driving forces are behind the results you see and what you can do to achieve any result you want to create for yourself.

Do you ever look back at your week, feeling disappointed that you did not achieve what you set out for yourself? Perhaps you set a goal and you cannot understand why it's so hard for you to reach it?

The secret lies in the invisible forces that drive your results: your emotions and your thoughts.

What you're thinking and feeling drives what you're doing (or not doing). These actions drive your results.

Our thoughts play a huge part in how we feel. We're constantly thinking, which is a very normal part of being a human. The challenge is, we often believe what we're thinking and even though this may sound very innocent, those thoughts may not always serve us best.

Every thought we think, evokes an emotional response in our bodies. This happens incredibly fast and may even feel like it's the other way around!

These emotions in turn have a profound impact on the type of action we take. When we think thoughts that make us feel overwhelmed for example, we take very different action as opposed to when we feel confident or determined.

If we want to create the results we want, we must take control of our emotions.

Here's your key takeaway for this episode:

1. Evaluate your results this week

2. Can you trace your current results back to the emotion and thought that caused it?

3. What results do you want to create? What actions do you need to take to get that result? What to you need to feel in order to take that outcome? What do you need to think/say to yourself in order to feel that emotion?

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Ilonka Ras

Ilonka is a certified Strategic Intervention Coach and has a passion for helping overworked women entrepreneurs free up space and energy in their day so they have more time for the things that matter to them.

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