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Ep#22 Redefining Hard

February 20, 20221 min read

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The dire statistic that over 50% of businesses don't survive past their first year, coupled with everything we hear on the daily about how crazy the world is right now (and perhaps even your own experiences over the last couple of years) have contributed greatly to how we perceive our businesses as women and moms.

We often hear (and say) things like:

"Business is hard"

"Success takes time"

"Marketing is confusing"

"Sales are sleezy"

We have convinced ourselves that hard equals struggle and pain.

What if hard could be fun? What if success is inevitable? What if it could be fast?

In this week's episode of the Mom Aligned podcast I'm challenging you (and myself) to redefine "hard".

If everything you achieved was easy you wouldn't be proud.

Here's your key takeaway for this episode:

1. Notice how often you say the words "this is hard"

2. What new meaning can you give "this is hard"?

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Okay, friend! I'm gonna give it to you straight, 'cause you know that's what I'm all about. Podcast reviews are super important to Apple Podcasts and the more reviews the show receives the more likely it is that we'll be rewarded with better reach. We want to reach more fierce female entrepreneurs who can add extreme value to our amazing tribe. Help a sister, out?

We already love you, for real, but we’d be extremely grateful if you would review on iTunes! If you've loved this podcast, never miss another one! All you have to do is SUBSCRIBE to the Mom Aligned Podcast on iTunes/Apple Podcasts.

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Ilonka Ras

Ilonka is a certified Strategic Intervention Coach and has a passion for helping overworked women entrepreneurs free up space and energy in their day so they have more time for the things that matter to them.

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