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Ep#24 Vacuuming Lego & Crappy Mom Rules

March 09, 20223 min read

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We live what we learn. We have created so many rules for our life. Sometimes these rules have been passed on from our parents and sometimes we create them in an attempt to live true to our beliefs and values.

Chances are, you don't even realize you have them and they could be the thing that's standing in the way of you and your next-level life.

If your mom always kept the butter in the fridge, chances are you probably do that in your own home too. When you visit a friend who's mom taught her that the butter goes in the cupboard and not in the fridge this might be weird for you, right? You wouldn't think that where we keep our butter would have a profound impact on whether we're living a life that excites us but just like we have a (most often unconscious) rule for where we keep the butter, we have many many other rules that ultimately shapes and creates our life as well.

If we want to live a life on our terms we must question our rules.

A recent coffee date with a friend made me realize how many of these rules I have accepted and created for myself! More importantly, I have realized how liberating it could be if we question whether they are still relevant or perhaps just stifling our growth and experience of life.

A life that truly excites us doesn't happen by accident. It requires us to question things. To question our beliefs, our thoughts, the meaning we give things. To decide for ourselves what we'll follow as truth. Now, there is no right or wrong here. It's simply the act of asking yourself whether this is true for you and being honest with yourself (that is the real you...not the mask of who you think you should be in any given situation).

The process of questioning always starts with being curious. Being curious about what you do and why you do it. Finding our rules is as simple as looking for those things you attach a "should" or a "should not" too.

A mom should...

My kids should...

My husband shouldn't...

This should...

That should...

What are some of your "should's"? Is it time to let some of these go? If you did...what would life be like? Where could you choose a new rule that will support you in living the life you want?

Here's your key takeaway for this episode:

1. We all have unconscious rules by which we live

2. If we want to truly live life on our terms we must question these rules and let go of the ones that aren't relevant or serving us.

3. Be aware of your rules...even the ones you think might not be a big deal...

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Ilonka Ras

Ilonka is a certified Strategic Intervention Coach and has a passion for helping overworked women entrepreneurs free up space and energy in their day so they have more time for the things that matter to them.

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