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Ep#25 Believing in the impossible

April 03, 20225 min read

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Whether or not your kids believe in the land of magic and little fairies (or mouse) that gather teeth all around the world to build magical castles with…you can certainly appreciate how vivid and wild their imaginations are! There is also a lesson we can learn from our children’s unshakable belief. 

In today’s episode I share how we can re-awaken our belief in the impossible and use it to create a life and business that excites us.

WARNING! Don’t listen to this episode when your kids are in the room!

Have you ever considered the unshakable belief our kids have?
Reese, our youngest daughter, recently lost her first milk tooth. She was SO excited to get it out and put it under her pillow for the tooth fairy to come and get it (and leave her some money)!

We do our best to keep the magic alive for as long as possible and it got me thinking about how much belief this little girl (along with many other kids around the globe) has in the impossible. It also opened my eyes to how much we can learn from our kids!

Reese’s belief in the Tooth Fairy isn’t logical. It has nothing to do with what’s real. It’s pure magic. There is NO doubt. In fact, her belief is so absolute that it is a knowing. Knowing it is GOING to happen. IT IS DONE.

Whether or not your kids believe in the land of magic and little fairies (or mouse) that gather teeth all around the world to build magical castles with…you can certainly appreciate how vividly and wild their imaginations are!

The power of this kind of belief is so strong that it accounts for literally trillions of dollars being spent during the festive season. The Insurance group, Delta Dental, even tracked the average Tooth Fairy rewards since 1998, and compared their results to stock market activity. They've found that in at least 17 of the past 17 years, trends in Tooth Fairy payouts have
correlated to movement in the S&P 500!

Now, we both know that if we pull all our teeth and place them in a shoe under the bed that we won’t wake up to a pile of cash in the morning no matter how hard we believe.

You see, the thing we must understand is that it’s not about whether the expected outcome will or will not happen. Reese has absolute belief in something that doesn’t exist. But…her belief in this idea, this concept, has a profound impact on how se feels and how se acts. It has a direct affect on how she is BEING!

In her case, the belief makes her feel super excited and it also encourages her to keep her teeth clean because she knows shinier teeth bring in more cash!

At some point we stop believing in magic. We stop believing that the impossible could happen and we stop seeing the little miracles. We slowly chip away at our expectation that something great is coming…that something exciting is about to happen.

We think we don’t believe. That we’re simply calling it as it is BUT have you ever considered how much belief you place in negative outcomes that also…in all likelihood…may not ever happen?

We’re still using the power of belief. The only difference is that we’ve shifted our attention to believing in things you
DON’T want.

We BELIEVE ourselves when we say things like:

  • This won’t work.

  • It’s hard to make money

  • It’s hard to get new clients for my business

  • That’s a ridiculous dream

  • That will never happen

  • That’s not possible for me

How much of that small kid belief in magic energy are you pumping into your limitations? How many of these limiting beliefs have become a kind of knowing for you? That you believe so hard in it that you think it is true? That it’s a fact?

And more importantly…how is this making you feel?

The quality of our life is determined by the emotions we spend most of our time in. So this is an important question to consider for yourself.

Our desires are like seeds and as long as there is contrast in our world…we will desire more and because of life and past experience, and the fact that we have forgotten how to believe in magic and expect something magical to happen…we have convinced ourselves that it isn’t real. We rarely take an honest look at how much belief power we throw at our limitations, what we don’t want, the self doubt, the fear.

Even though this doubt and fear might feel very real and true…we know it’s not, We know it’s a mental construct and we can just as easily DECIDE to believe in the opposite. The magic.

So my question for you this week is:

Will you believe in what is possible? Or what isn’t?

It’s a choice my friend. And it is an important choice because it will determine how you feel and what you get, what you pull into your world, what you experience, and ultimately, the quality of your life.

What are you going to choose to believe in this week?

Download the free 52 Empowering beliefs for mom entrepreneurs

Here's your key takeaway for this episode:

1. The quality of our life is determined by the emotions we spend most of our time in.

2. Will you believe in what is possible?

3. Have you downloaded the free resource?

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Ilonka Ras

Ilonka is a certified Strategic Intervention Coach and has a passion for helping overworked women entrepreneurs free up space and energy in their day so they have more time for the things that matter to them.

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