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Ep#26 Are you practicing the law of Ayni?

April 10, 20224 min read

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Humans have an inherent need to get even. When someone gives us something, we typically want to reciprocate and give something back. The same is true when we feel someone has wronged us! Even though we might not act on it, we tend to have an urge to get revenge. The Law of Reciprocity isn’t just a law of human nature, it is also a Universal law. It is based on the principle that what we give is what we receive.

What we sow is what we reap.

In this episode I share the principle of Ayni and how this ancient Incan belief can help you receive more in all areas of your life.

How often do you take without giving back?

I recently read a Facebook post by a lady that was in a coaching program with me and she shared a vulnerable story about her parents and her upbringing. She had a very difficult childhood and felt really resentful about how her parents handled things. They did at some point admit all the things they did wrong and they apologized very deeply for it. In the same breath, they also asked her to lend them $10 000.

She posted in this group…I just want to add that the people in this group are really like family and everyone really wants to help and support each other. Spilling the beans on Facebook isn’t something I would recommend…but in this case it was truly a safe space for her to do that and get some feedback and advice on what the others in the group would do in this instance.

Everyone commented back (I think she had like 88 comments) that she should lend them the money. And they mentioned the concept of Ayni. So, after a couple of weeks she came back into the group to share something really profound that happened after that last post she made.

She gave her parents the $10 000 and although they said they would pay her back…she released the money without the expectation of getting anything in return. She gifted it to them. Less than two weeks later she did a launch in her business and she made the exact amount back in profit that she gave to her parents.

So, what is Ayni exactly? AYNI is a word from the ancient language of the Incas. It stands for the reciprocity of life. The literal translation is: “Today for you, tomorrow for me.”

Although the law of reciprocity is a universal law, very much like the law of gravity, it is also a law of human nature.

According to psychologists, humans have a deep need to be even. If you do something for me I'll do something for you. The opposite is also true. If someone wrongs us, we typically want to get even. Wanting to get even doesn’t mean you always act on it but we can all agree that we’ve had that urge before.

We’ve also heard “what you reap is what you sow”

This concept is deeply rooted in the belief that what I put out will come back to me.
If I inject good into this world…good will come back.

This law can be applied to every area of your life.

Maybe someone gave you a compliment, maybe someone made you laugh or made you feel better? Maybe someone shared a valuable resource with you that is worth a lot.

Think about your relationships, the people you interact with regularly. It’s so easy to take things for granted.

It’s important to recognize that giving comes before receiving. When we look at our business. We must remember that there is a value bank that we need to fill before we will receive that value back later in monetary terms.

Being aligned is about being aware. Being conscious about your choices and what you do with what you know.

Three questions you can ask yourself to see whether you’re practicing the law of Ayni

  • What was the last thing someone gave you and did you reciprocate in a like manner?

  • Where in your life are you taking (expecting things to be given to you) without giving back?

  • How can you give more?

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Ilonka Ras

Ilonka is a certified Strategic Intervention Coach and has a passion for helping overworked women entrepreneurs free up space and energy in their day so they have more time for the things that matter to them.

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