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Ep#28 Are you prepared?

April 24, 20224 min read

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You don’t just get what you expect. You get what you prepare for. In this episode I share the importance of preparing and getting ready to be ready.

Have you ever heard: You get what you expect?

Although that statement is true, I believe that we get what we prepare for.

When I hear the word prepare, my mind immediately goes to the doomsday preppers. They have cupboards full of food in case the apocalypse hits us and we can’t buy food. They stock up on the essentials, they know exactly what they are going to do and where they’re going to go when a certain unwanted circumstance happens.

Maybe you’re not a doomsday prepper but I bet you’re preparing in other ways like preparing for retirement, a school trip, or a much-needed family vacation.

We all prepare for things in one way or another but do you prepare for your goals and your desires?

There is a subtle but important difference between being prepared and being ready.

Being ready means you can act right now at this moment.

Being prepared means you are getting ready to BE ready.

Stay with me for a moment because I know it doesn’t sound like this is a big deal BUT think about a specific goal you have.

If you don’t have a goal right now you can use my example (and definitely check out the Mama Got Goals Workshop happening soon!):

Let’s say you have a goal of signing 10 new clients in the next 6 months. Would you be ready to take on 10 clients, right now, if I dropped them at your door?

Would you be able to serve them at the highest level considering everything required to onboard them, overdeliver to them, and give them a reason to tell all their friends about you?

When we desire something, we often only think about the end result. The thing we desire. The goal. But there is a reason why what you desire (or what you’ve set as a goal) isn’t a reality yet.

It is because you are not ready for it, yet.

If we suddenly, instantly, doubled your revenue (I know it sounds really nice and you’ll probably take it if I could offer that to you) - without the necessary preparation work - you might be completely overwhelmed. Frantically working to get everything done and keep everyone happy. If you did not have the right processes and systems in place, the right mindset, me dropping 10 new clients at your door might actually cause way more anxiety than what you felt not having them!

That is unless you were prepared.

Unless you took a strategic look into the future and decided TODAY what you need to put in place now so that you can be ready.

Abraham Hicks calls it: Getting ready to BE ready.

Ask yourself, if what you desired showed up right now, if the opportunity presented itself right now, if you hit the goal right now, would you be ready for it?

Would you have the capacity, skills, and awareness to be available for what you called into your life?

The only way to be ready is to be prepared.

"Talent alone won't make you a success. Neither will being in the right place at the right time, unless you are ready. The most important question is: Are your ready?"

Johnny Carson

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Ilonka Ras

Ilonka is a certified Strategic Intervention Coach and has a passion for helping overworked women entrepreneurs free up space and energy in their day so they have more time for the things that matter to them.

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