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Ep#29 Are you spending time on what matters most?

May 01, 20225 min read

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As women who want to make an impact, make good money doing what we love, WHILE raising our children AND being present to all parts of us, we don’t want to live out of balance. We want to build insanely fulfilling businesses but we don’t want to lose ourselves in the process. We want to ensure that we’re living in balance. Which isn’t a 50/50 thing by the way. It’s more a matter of focus and being where our feet are.

In this episode of the Mom Aligned Podcast I share the exact process I take my private clients through to help them spend more time on the things that are important to them.

Time is the only resource we cannot get more of. We know that our time here on this planet is limited.

Oliver Burkeman’s book: 4000 weeks, Time Management for Mortals:

The average human lifespan is absurdly, insultingly brief. Assuming you live to be eighty, you have just over four thousand weeks.

And although I do believe that life continues in some form, we know that it won’t be like it is now. This human experience.

Many of my clients come to me because they feel they’re not spending enough time on the things that matter most to them.

This is a very common feeling amongst mom entrepreneurs because we’re being pulled in multiple different directions at the same time. When our kids are small, we know that our time with them is limited. They will be out of the house before we know it. So we have this feeling that time goes by too fast. The days are long but the years are short.

As women who want to make an impact, who want make good money doing what we love, WHILE raising our children and being present to all parts of us, we don’t want to live out of balance. We want to build insanely fulfilling businesses but we don’t want to lose ourselves in the process. We want to ensure that we’re living in balance. Which isn’t a 50/50 thing by the way. It’s more a matter of focus. Being where our feet are.

So I want to take you through the process that I take my clients through so that you can restructure your days and start spending more time on the things that are important to you.

Are you ready?

I don’t feel fulfilled. I don’t feel like I am spending enough time (in some cases not any time) on the things that really matter to me and I am afraid that if I continue the way I am currently doing things that I will look back on my life a couple of years from now and regret things.

The first thing I ask them to do is to get clear on what matters most.

What really matters to you?

Fulfillment isn’t a science. It’s an art. And how we get to feeling fulfilled will be different for all of us and it also changes as we go through different seasons of our lives.
But there are general areas that we need to focus on if we want to get there. I call them our TIME ZONES.

These are the areas we must give our time, attention, and energy to in order to live a balanced, fulfilled life.

Your Physical Health

Your Emotions

Your Relationships (especially your intimite relationship)

Your Money

Your Business

Your Time

Your Spirituality

Make a list of what you want in each of these areas. You have to be clear on this. What is the goal for each area? How do you want it to be?

The second thing we do is we work on making those things a priority. We MAKE time for it. We get super intentional about it. We do the work to embody the frequency of it. And this is the hardest part. When we know what we want, the next step is going for it, right? But we are so used to the habitual patterns we have created in our lives that it can feel almost impossible to imagine and do things differently.

I tell my clients to plan their week. If you’re a type a person like me then this will be easy for you and you will have a planner that is colour coded haha If you’re super creative, your plan will look less structured right?

However you do it doesn’t matter. DO WHAT WORKS FOR YOU. But ask yourself at the beginning of each week what your intentions are for each of your time zones. And make sure that you spend time in each of those areas.

The question you need to answer for yourself is this: If I made these things a priority, a must. What would that look like? THAT is your plan.

Lastly, BE where your feet are. When your spending time in a specific zone, remind yourself that that is where you need to be right now. Honor it. Don’t beat yourself with a stick. Simply bring yourself to the moment when you realize you’re somewhere else.

If you’re ready to do the inner work required to live your best life, to be in balance and live in alignment with what really matters to you then my private coaching sessions might be perfect for you. Head over to my website to book a free consultation session. I have 5 private coaching spots open so if you’re feeling the pull and you are ready to step into the mom, wife, women, entrepreneur you know you can be then let’s talk.

Alright mama, go and make the most of your week. I’ll chat to you again next week.

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Ilonka Ras

Ilonka is a certified Strategic Intervention Coach and has a passion for helping overworked women entrepreneurs free up space and energy in their day so they have more time for the things that matter to them.

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