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Ep#03  Screw Realistic! How to set goals that expand you.

October 10, 20214 min read

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Smart goals are dumb.

It's time to set the kind of goals that light you up, pull you out of bed in the morning, and expands you so you can become the mom entrepreneur you know you were meant to be.

How do you feel about setting goals? Do you have one? How is it going so far?

I always knew successful people set goals but after learning about SMART goals in varsity, setting one for myself felt a bit
off. Now that I’ve coached clients and really did a lot of the inner work I know why.

SMART goals are dumb

You see, there is a problem with SMART goals
(in my opinion). They require you to be realistic. (I know the R can also mean Relevant or Results-Based and these are fantastic...but REALISTIC shouldn’t be in there.)

SMART goals stand for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time Bound

I say...screw realistic! We want to set goals that scare us! They need to light a fire in our belly, pull us out of bed in the morning, and stretch us far beyond the realms of our current zone of comfort.

Let’s quickly look at what setting realistic goals mean:

When I think of realistic, it is something that is other words...I’ve seen it before. I know it can be done. I’ve done it before. I know with 100% certainty that it is possible to achieve in the time I give myself.

Google defines Realistic as:

"...having or showing a sensible and practical idea of what can be achieved or expected."

Realistic is based off what we’ve accomplished in the past.

Because we know what we’ve done before, we know how to do it, and therefore we know it can be done again.

If you’re an entrepreneur, being realistic is not part of your DNA.

If our goals don’t stretch us...we don’t really grow and we also don’t discover what we are truly capable of doing.

On the other hand, when you set a RIDICULOUS or IMPOSSIBLE goal, and you
really commit to it, it is going to bring up all the shit you need to deal with.

Reaching the goal (or not reaching the goal) isn’t really the most important part. It is all about who we become on our way to the goal. In other words, the work the goal does on us.

It stretches our minds. It forces us to go beyond our limits of what we think is possible for our lives and it asks us to get uncomfortable.

It is in this gap of uncomfortableness that we grow and evolve.

My husband had this impossible goal of climbing Mount Kilimanjaro (the highest single free-standing mountain in the world) and this was an impossible goal for him because it was something he never did before and initially he didn't believe that he could do it.

But it was pulling at him. And once he decided that he was going to do it. Things shifted.

Now, there were MANY moments on that mountain that felt too big for him. Where he wanted to give up. But he knew turning back and giving up would feel way worse than enduring and pushing through the struggles. And he did it. He reached the summit in spite of his mind trying to convince him of all the reasons why this was an impossible feat.

And he now knows he CAN do hard things.

You did not come to this planet to be mediocre. You came here to live an incredible life. It is time to stretch, get ridiculous, and do things that propel you into the best version of yourself. It is time to be the woman you REALLY are.

your aligned action task and takeaway

How to set an impossible goal:

Decide what you want. (Choose a goal that stretches you and lights you up)

2. Work from the goal. Who would you be once you’ve reached it. Show up us as her every single day.

3. Decide what your first step will be. This step needs to be possible. What can you do right now to gain momentum?

4. Don’t try to have it all figured out. Action breeds clarity and the exact path will show itself as you take action.

5. Don’t change the goal when it feels impossible. You DO the work to believe and feel the possibility of it. THAT is how we do incredible things and THAT is how we blow our own minds.

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Ilonka Ras

Ilonka is a certified Strategic Intervention Coach and has a passion for helping overworked women entrepreneurs free up space and energy in their day so they have more time for the things that matter to them.

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