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Ep#31 Too much doing, not enough designing

May 15, 20224 min read

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Can you create success in less time? Without doing more? The answer is ABSOLUTELY. But you need to stop doing so much and start designing your business more.

You’ll want to grab a pen and take some notes for this one!

Do you remember why you started your business? The excitement, the belief in what is possible? The impact you were going to make? The time you would have to spend on living your actual life (vs sitting behind some desk slogging away for a boss you hate). Making the kind of money you know you deserve while doing what you love?


Or maybe you’re thinking…no…total bulls@#!

Most entrepreneurs I know aren’t making nearly the kind of impact they initially dreamed of. They’re working way harder and way more hours that they ever did in that crappy job, and they barely have enough money to cove their business expenses.

The sad truth is that most entrepreneurs are struggling. Struggling to manage everything they have on their plates.

As moms, it’s even harder. You can’t just work when you want to, our work time is rarely uninterrupted, and we’re constantly being pulled by mom guilt, stuck in a cycle of feeling bad when we’re working on our business and not spending the time with our kids (and the other way around).


But how?

If you’re anything like most entrepreneurs (including me) then you are really good at doing what you do. You know your work inside out and you have a great love and passion for it. You know every little detail and take great care to do it perfectly.

We are good at doing.

That is the problem.

For a business to be truly successful (that is make a huge impact, give you the time freedom you deserve, and make tons of money) there is another piece that needs to get attention.


Now, don’t get me wrong. There is nothing wrong with doing in your business. You can totally build a successful, impactful, time freeing business as a solopreneur.

But only if you give attention to designing your business.

Designing means stepping out of the survival trap - you know, the one where you thing if you simply do more you will achieve more? It’s a trap because the more you do, the more you’re going to do. It is an endless cycle of torture that will leave you on burnout street before you know it.

You must stop doing for a bit and spend more time thinking like a true business owner and designing the flow of your business.

Not just doing. Designing. Strategically creating.

So what does this look like in real life?

- taking the time to think about your big goal?

- the impact you want to make

- how you plan on making that impact

- what milestones you need to reach to get you there

- what you will measure to measure progress along the way. How will you know you’re on track?

This is designing.

And you must give it your attention.

How much attention?

Take 30 mins to an hour a week. As you grow and implement systems and free up time you will spend more time designing. But if you’re still doing most of the doing and deciding then you want to at least start somewhere.

Ready to get out of the survival trap and find balance between being a mom and an entrepreneur?

The Mom Aligned Collective is a pay monthly coaching membership where we will dive deep into the limiting beliefs that are keeping you stuck in the do more, work harder time trap. This is where we will create clarity in your business so that every single minute you spend in it is one that will create the results you desire. No more hustle. Less anxiety and overwhelm. More ease and flow.

Doors to the collective are officially open! If you're interested in learning more, you can head over to to check it out and get yourself into the room as a founding member.

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Ilonka Ras

Ilonka is a certified Strategic Intervention Coach and has a passion for helping overworked women entrepreneurs free up space and energy in their day so they have more time for the things that matter to them.

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