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Ep#33 Achieving More While Doing Less

May 29, 20223 min read

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We’re conditioned to believe that bigger results require harder or more work. In this episode, I share why this is just a thought that is not serving you.

The way we view our time, the work we do, and the hours we allocate to our business is something that has been passed on to us from generations before us.

We go to school and we’re in class for a set amount of hours and then we have homework or other activities.

We go to varsity and it’s very similar. We fit into a container of what’s “normal” for work.

Then we join the workforce and we’re placed in this neat little 9-5 box and we know exactly when we have to work and when we can go home and play.

When we start our own businesses those lines get blurry and if we’re not intentional we can create a job from hell for ourselves. One where we never stop working.

How often can you take a break from your business? A real break. Not just in body but also in mind.

That’s not always as simple! We’re constantly thinking about business even when we’re not working.

I work with my clients to get to 15-20hr work weeks so that they can enjoy more of their actual life and it’s very exciting.

They do the work, they streamline their business. And then when they all of a sudden have a lot of free time.

And then…

Their brain freaks out.

Although they desire some free time, once they get it. They’re not entirely sure what to do with it. They feel they’re doing something wrong. Forgot something.

They fear that the business police will rock up and hit them with a stick for not working.

This is why working less, stepping out of hustle always starts with the mindset work first. If you want to work 20 hours a week (or whatever it is for you), you need to create the 20 hour workweek mindset first.

What we believe about our time and how our time is connected to our success makes all the difference.

We have to be intentional with our time. It is the only resource we cannot get more of. It’s valuable. If we’re not intentional. If we don’t do the work that is required to THINK differently about our time then we’ll simply fill the white space with work again.

So ask yourself, what does time freedom really mean to you? What does it look like? Specifically.

If you’re ready to create your 20 hour workweek, and achieve more while doing less, my 6 month Work Less Live More coaching season might be perfect for you.

Click here to learn more and book a spot in my calendar to see if you’re a good fit for this work.

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Ilonka Ras

Ilonka is a certified Strategic Intervention Coach and has a passion for helping overworked women entrepreneurs free up space and energy in their day so they have more time for the things that matter to them.

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