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Ep#34 What you need to work 20hrs or less per week

June 05, 2022β€’3 min read

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How would it feel to work 10, 15, or even 20 hours less per week? Your business is supposed to make an impact, it is supposed to make money, AND serve people and it can do all those things WHILE giving you the time freedom you desire. Find out what you do not need as well as what you do need to get to a 15 or 20 hour work week.

There are some misconceptions about getting to 20 or even 15-hour workweeks.

It looks different for everyone. What you want your business container to look like could be completely different from mine. But whatever it is, whether it's not working on Fridays, or working only three days a week, or working a specific number of hours...the principle and the things I will share in this episode are the same regardless of what it looks like for you.

Today, I want to share what you don't need to create a 15 or 20-hour workweek AS well as what you DO need.

Here are some things you don't need:

Rigidly plan your day like a robot:

You do need a plan, but you you don't need to plan every single minute.

In my private coaching program I teach my clients how to create a results or outcome oriented plan for their time and also how to follow the plan. Because as soon as we decide we are going to do something specific, our brain works hard to convince us to do something that is more fun in the moment. You won't always feel like it.

You don't need to be super organized.

We think that we need to have all our shit together before we can get to the ideal workweek. You don't. There will always be something to improve on, something that worked before but that is not working now. We start messy. We do the work even when there is chaos or life throws her best at us. You can organize a closet but you have to maintain it. So there is continuous work.

You don't need to get it perfect.

You can do it messy, you can do it without following through on every single thing. We don't focus on getting it perfect. We focus on getting the outcome.

Perfectionism kills many many amazing ideas.

Complicating, automated systems.

I love automation. And I do feel it has a place BUT you don't need it to get to your ideal workweek. You also don't need crazy excel spreadsheets and complicated processes. Systems are important, yes, but they must be simple. If they're'll just revert back to what you've been used to doing.

What you DO need.

1. 20-hour Week Mindset. To believe it’s possible.

2. Make decisions from that belief and within the time you decide to allocate to your business.

3. Managing your state. Many think about this as being in your frequency or in your flow. And there is a formula for getting yourself into this state. EVEN when you don't feel like it.

Whatever time freedom looks like for you, it is possible. And I can help you get there. I have created a brand new video resource that you can download for free! It is called Overcoming Overwhelm in 4 simple steps. Get instant access here >>

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Ilonka Ras

Ilonka is a certified Strategic Intervention Coach and has a passion for helping overworked women entrepreneurs free up space and energy in their day so they have more time for the things that matter to them.

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