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Ep#36 What is time really?

June 19, 20222 min read

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What is time?

Most of us would say that it is the hours, minutes, and seconds on a clock. We could define it as 24 hours in a day, 7 days in a week, or 365 days in a year.

We could look at it from the angle of 4000 weeks to live, or 18 summers before our kids head off to college.

The more we try to give it an exact definition…the more we realize that time isn’t that easy to define.

When we consider what a long time is, or what a short time is, we realize that time itself is a mental construct.

It isn’t something we can see or touch…yet it is all something we experience.

Think about a moment where it felt like time flew by, You had so much fun. You wanted it to last forever.

Now, think about a time when minutes felt like days.

When we consider these opposites of experiencing time, it shows us that time is an emotion. A feeling.

Time is an emotion. It's a feeling.

How we feel is determined by what we’re giving our attention to.

The meaning we give to the circumstances in our lives is what determines how we experience those circumstances.

There are three things that will get our attention and impact our emotions if we're not intentional:

  1. our fears,

  2. getting instant pleasure

  3. other people’s demands

If we constantly operate from a place where any of the above is getting our attention the majority of the time, then we're working from a place of reaction, rather than intention and purpose.

And so, to manage time, we must learn how to manage our emotions.

We’ve been taught that the secret to success lies in what we do. It doesn’t. (Just ask anyone who gets a ton of stuff done but is still struggling.)

Our experience of time is directly related to our emotional home. The emotions we spend the majority of our time in.

If we want to experience a fulfilled life we need to start learning how to control our emotions instead of the number of things on our to-do lists.

resources mentioned during this episode

Four Thousand Weeks - by Oliver Burkeman

The Family Boardroom Meeting - by Jim Sheils

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Ilonka Ras

Ilonka is a certified Strategic Intervention Coach and has a passion for helping overworked women entrepreneurs free up space and energy in their day so they have more time for the things that matter to them.

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