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Ep#04 Your Results Don't Come From Your Actions

October 17, 20213 min read

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You may have heard that you must take massive action. This is sound advice and something I truly believe in as a coach. There is a missing piece though. The action we take needs to be aligned with what we want to create for ourselves. If it's not, we're simply throwing spaghetti against the wall hoping it will turn into a delicious meal.

We have a BIG misconception that when we're not seeing results it is because we're not taking enough action or we're not taking the right action.

These thoughts can make us do crazy think we should work more hours or pump out more content. We go into overdrive and try to DO MORE OF EVERYTHING.

We start questioning everything we're doing. Because "if this action I'm taking isn't working then I must be doing something wrong. I should be doing something different."

Spin like this long enough and before you know if you've reached the miserable place of feeling like you've lost all your drive and perhaps even your passion for your business and before you know it you've convinced yourself that this just isn't for you.

What you do only plays a small part in the end result. Every single action you take comes from your thoughts.

Think about brushing your teeth every day. Even though it may be a habitual thing and you think you're doing it without'll notice that before heading to the bathroom to brush those pearly whites, you had a thought about it first.

Every action we take has a thought that precedes it.

It is your thoughts that create your results, not your actions.

Our thoughts drive how we feel, and how we feel determines the kind of action we take (or don't take)

You may be looking at your results right now and feel frustrated because you're putting in SO much effort...perhaps even looking at others who are doing WAY less with way bigger results thinking "what are they doing that I am not?"

The difference isn't in what they're doing, it is in HOW they're showing up while they're doing.

To get the results we desire, we need to act from a place of alignment. I call it the alignment triad:

Your focus needs to be on what you want to create - aligned attention

Your emotions need to be such that they inspire you into action - aligned vibration

The action you take will then create the results you desire - aligned action

your aligned action task and takeaway

1. HOW are you FEELING while you're taking action in your business? Your emotions are your guide as to whether you're on track or not.

2. What thoughts are driving those feelings? Trace your current results back to the thought that created them.

3. What are some aligned action thoughts I can start thinking that will help me to feel better and take aligned action?


Result: I have 0 clients for the month

Feeling: Hopeless, dispair, frustration

Now, ask yourself...what was I thinking that made me feel hopeless, in dispair, and frustrated?

Thought: I don't know where to find clients

Action: How do I show up when I feel hopeless, in dispair, and frustrated? - THIS IS WHY YOU HAVE THE RESULT YOU CURRENTLY HAVE!

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Ilonka Ras

Ilonka is a certified Strategic Intervention Coach and has a passion for helping overworked women entrepreneurs free up space and energy in their day so they have more time for the things that matter to them.

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