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Ep#40 It ain’t over until it’s over - how to believe at 100%

July 10, 20223 min read

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Have you ever set a goal for the month or had a deadline for an event and then as you get closer to the end date or d day, your belief in making it happen decreases?

We set a goal to sign say 5 new clients for the month. Or we are hosting an event and we want to have 20 people sign up.

On day 1/30 your belief is high. Because you think you have a lot of time.

As the time goes on and you get to say day 15, you believe in the possibility a little less.

It’s not the end until it’s the end!

Even if you only have 1 day left. Our brains like to think that signing five clients in one day is impossible. And so we stop believing, we stop taking massive action.

Instead of believing that my results don’t take time. They take belief and powerful action.

Think about how you show up when you believe it’s happening. When your goal is not negotiable. When getting that result is the only option. How will you show up?

What will you do?

Here’s the thing:

You have no idea what people are doing. Who’s watching. Who is considering buying from you right now, and it’s none of your business!

The only thing you need to be concerned with is showing up and putting yourself out there! TAKING action.

We spend soooo much time and energy on the lack of what we want. The absence of it. And it affects how we take action! It affects how you feel. But if you believe that anything is possible. That a flood can happen and it can happen quickly. How will you show up differently?

If you knew it was a day before your event and 20 people were waiting at the gate? If it was 20 minutes before the event and those people were waiting to pay? What if you were like nah…no one is coming.

I want to give you some thoughts you can think to help you!

They are already listening.

Clients can come from anywhere.

I create my results.

My clients don’t need to be on my radar. I just need to be on theirs.

There is still more than enough time.

It can happen today.

Success (creating this result) doesn’t take time.

Have you joined in on the 30 Days to More Time & Balance Series happening on Instagram and Tiktok? Follow me on Instagram or Tiktok and join us in doing less better.

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Ilonka Ras

Ilonka is a certified Strategic Intervention Coach and has a passion for helping overworked women entrepreneurs free up space and energy in their day so they have more time for the things that matter to them.

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