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Ep#41 You're just one decision away from more time

July 17, 20223 min read

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If you want to work less, have more time, and feel more balanced between motherhood and business then you need to make the decision to have that.

It is not just going to happen. In fact, if you don’t prioritize your time, someone else will.

I know you want to make an impact and that at your core you want to make a difference in this world. Perhaps you feel that your business is how you will make your impact.

BUT, even if serving your clients is at the forefront of your mind, your business SHOULD also serve you! It must fit into your life, not the other way around.

There are many studies that show the number one reason why moms start a business is because they want more flexibility. The second reason is that they want to do something that matters.

And yet, we leave our corporate jobs just so we can create a job that keeps us occupied 24/7.

We work more and much harder as entrepreneurs than we’ve ever worked in any 9-5 job.

If you LOVE what you do and it doesn’t feel like work, it is very hard to close the door on your “work” and focus all your attention on being with your family.

Our business often encompasses all of who we are and we take it wherever we go. Making it very difficult to break away for a bit of a breather.

So, how do we create a balance between business and life? How do we create some space to think, be creative, and do stuff that is not connected to our business.

Well, it all starts with one very important decision.

The decision to create a container for your business.

When you create a container for your business you are creating clear boundaries between your business and the rest of your life. Specifically the time you spend on it.

Here are some questions you can ask yourself that will help you create your business container:

  1. How many hours do you want to work on your business?

  2. Do you have a goal and plan for your business time?

  3. Is it scheduled?

Pro tip: Have an end of day ritual so that your brain knows it’s time to switch business off for a while.

Creating the container is the easy part. My clients struggle most with adhering to the rules they set for themselves, and this is where coaching will help you. Remember, if you’ve been a bit of a workaholic (maybe a lot of a workaholic) then it will take some time to break that habit and establish a new way of being. If you’re ready to work less, to do less, but do it better, and create a container for your business so that you can live more of your actual life, then my BALANCED program might be perfect for you.

You can learn more about it here.

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Ilonka Ras

Ilonka is a certified Strategic Intervention Coach and has a passion for helping overworked women entrepreneurs free up space and energy in their day so they have more time for the things that matter to them.

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