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Ep#42 The Do-What-You-Love Myth

July 24, 20223 min read

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Do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life.

This is one of those calendar quote cards that should be burned along with crocs. 🤣 I’m sorry but adults have no business wearing crocs and we should also stop believing that if we love what we do things will always be easy.

Here’s the thing.

I LOVE being a coach.

I love working with my clients and helping them transform their relationship with time, their relationship with themselves, and how they manage their emotions. How all of this ripples out to their children.

I LOVE coaching. I love it so much that I would do it for free all day long every day.

It is my calling. It is at the core of who I am and I cannot imagine NOT doing it.

BUT…it doesn’t mean that there isn’t work involved in running this business. I serve my clients at the highest level.

And it also doesn’t mean that there aren’t days where I feel like just staying in bed. Or even selling everything and living on an island with my family…

This cliche of do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life is a thought error. And if you believe it it will hurt your business and cause you to think that you’re not doing it right.

Being an entrepreneur, and being a business owner is work. And someone has to actually do it.

There will be days when the work feels effortless and when it is excruciatingly hard.

There will be days when you love your business. And there will be days where you despise it.

The work lies in loving your business unconditionally. Believing in WHY you are doing this and continuously bringing yourself back to that why.

You’re not meant to love it all the time. YOU ARE A HUMAN! We’re not built to only feel the good. There are cycles in any business just like we have seasons in nature.

The key is to understand that just because it’s winter and things look dead. It doesn’t mean they are.

So stop putting the pressure of If I don’t love it all the time then I should maybe not be in this business…because then you’ll never actually get to the point of building a business that makes the kind of impact you dream of.

I want to invite you to join my BALANCED coaching program. This program is for you if you are a mom entrepreneur and you want to re-design your relationship with time so that you can have more time to do the things you want. To feel less overwhelmed and stressed in your life and business, to have a clear plan to get to your goals, and to reach them faster than you think is possible WHILE doing less.

Go to to learn more.

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Ilonka Ras

Ilonka is a certified Strategic Intervention Coach and has a passion for helping overworked women entrepreneurs free up space and energy in their day so they have more time for the things that matter to them.

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