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Ep#43 Capturing the essence that is her - with body liberation photographer Cynthia That

July 28, 20223 min read

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If you criticize yourself, specifically your body, then this episode is for you! I had the honor of talking to body liberation photographer Cynthia That.

Be sure to connect with Cynthia on Instagram! Trust me, she is the dose of inspiration you need daily.

How often do you look in the mirror and criticize yourself?

We live in a world where a specific body type, skin complexion, and facial symmetry are encouraged as the golden standard for beauty.

That is changing.

It’s because of women like Cynthia, and her amazing clients, that the status quo is shifting. That we’re taking a new look at what beauty really is and why it is important to start with the face we see when we look in the mirror.

I had the privilege of talking to body liberation and portrait photographer Cynthia That.

Cynthia was blessed to have a mom who loved her body and paved the way for her daughter to love hers too. This really struck me because I know how often I criticize myself and even though I am careful not to say negative things about my body in front of my kids, I realized that I didn’t actually need to say the words…they could see it my actions, they could sense it in my expressions as I was looking at myself in the mirror.

“She never asked if she looked good, she knew.” - Cynthia That

If we want our children to truly accept and love themselves, even on the days when they don’t feel enough, we need to start by doing that for ourselves first.

I loved Cynthia’s perspective on body liberation and why every woman needs to do a session like this for herself at least once!

Cynthia’s view through her lens has given her a glimpse into the essence of who we are. That there is an effortlessness to that essence that is available for all of us to tap into.

I know this episode will open you to the awareness that your body, with all the bumps, love handles, freckles, frown, and smile lines, is a gift, and that embracing it with a loving acceptance might just be the exact thing you need to step into the fullest version of you!

connect with Cynthia

- Instagram: @thatgirlphotography_

- The photo that inspired this interview

connect with me





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Ilonka Ras

Ilonka is a certified Strategic Intervention Coach and has a passion for helping overworked women entrepreneurs free up space and energy in their day so they have more time for the things that matter to them.

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