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Ep#44 Are you doing enough?

July 31, 20224 min read

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I have been doing a lot of work on myself over the course of the last ten years and one thing that I have been focusing on a lot is the struggle I have with rest.

I found it really challenging to switch off after I’ve worked on my business so that I can give my attention to my family and the other things I am passionate about in my life.

In my effort to work less and free up space in my week, I noticed a thought.

“I haven’t done enough.”

Even though I ticked off all the boxes, did everything I planned on doing, I still had this thought that maybe it wasn’t enough.

This thought left me feeling restless which in turn made it very difficult to be present to the time that I now had available in my schedule. I was constantly searching for more things to fill that time with.

Here’s what I discovered:

When we focus on results, on the outcomes we want to achieve in our business, some of those results might not be instant.

Let’s be honest, we all want the result instantly!

Even though we consciously know that there are a number of things to do and that it is going to take time to do those things, we still would like to speed up the process.

Let me give you an example of what this might look like in your business:

You might be working on launching something new in your business and although you are making progress (you’re building the sales page, adding the upsells, connecting all the tech), you might not be seeing any money coming into your account, yet.


You’ve posted on social media and you don’t have clients reaching out immediately after the post.

What I have learned is that when we see the results (i.e when someone reaches out that they want to work with you), we feel amazing. We think “it’s working!” We think that what we have been doing, the action that we’ve been taking is enough.

However, when we don’t see those results (i.e we post on social and no one reaches out - except mom liking the post), we feel bad. We think “this isn’t working”. “I haven’t done enough”.

Enough is a decision.

So, here’s how I am approaching my goals and the outcomes I want to create going forward:

  1. I still plan my week ahead from my soul frequency. Planning from this frequency allows me to make the best decisions for my business and the people I serve.

  2. I do what I planned. I honour my word to myself and I show up for the results I do want to create.

  3. I know my outcomes or results for that week is connected to the bigger picture and I decide that the things I did this week are exactly enough to get me there.

  4. I have milestones for the bigger goal and as I am making progress, I evaluate. (If I set a goal and did not reach it at the deadline, I evaluate by asking: What worked, What didn’t work, and What I can do differently going forward.)

Deciding that the plan is enough ahead of time is what is important.

If you don’t decide ahead of time that your efforts are enough, you’ll continue to change the plan, to add things, and to spin in confusion.

Your key takeaway this week:

Decide what you want to create in your business. Decide what you’re going to do to get you there…

…and then DECIDE that that is enough.

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Ilonka Ras

Ilonka is a certified Strategic Intervention Coach and has a passion for helping overworked women entrepreneurs free up space and energy in their day so they have more time for the things that matter to them.

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