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Ep#47 How To Overcome The Fear Of Change

August 21, 20223 min read

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Feeling the fear of change?

We all fear change at some level and unless we address this fear, any change will be difficult and we will continue to revert back to what things were like before the change. If we aren’t careful, we’ll self-sabotage our way back to our familiar comfort zone.

With any change, there is a level of uncertainty. My mentor, Tony Robbins, always says: “The quality of your life is directly proportional to the level of uncertainty you can tolerate.”

It’s normal for us to look at change and be aware at a conscious and subconscious level of the uncertainty that we are heading into. Whether the change is forced upon you, or you choose it with intention, resistance is always associated with change.

You’ve heard me talk about the six human needs we all want to fulfill.

Side note: I speak about these needs in detail in episode 7 of the podcast, What you need to achieve your goals.

“People will rather be unhappy than uncertain.” -Tim Ferris

So what’s the big hold up with change?

  1. We have a primal need for certainty (a.k.a your brain’s way of keeping you alive - thanks brain.)

  2. Our ego is hell-bent on sticking to what is familiar and conventional. It will do everything in its power to prevent you from stepping into the unknown.

But, here’s the important thing you need to understand.

Your soul knows that the fear is just a mask…it isn’t real. Your soul knows that stepping out of your comfort zone leads you to your purpose, your greatness.

The fact that you are afraid, is a signal that you’re on the right path.

The secret lies in teaching your brain that fear isn’t something that should stop you.

Fear of change is your Soul urging you to take a leap. To trust. To trust that there is an infinite power that will catch you. To trust yourself and to show yourself (and the Universe) that you are ready.

It’s either that or you can stay in the discomfort of your comfort zone.

Here are four things you can do to redesign your relationship with the fear of change:

  1. Ask yourself what you really want. Is this fear bigger than that desire?

  2. Look to the past…where have you overcome challenges? Keep a journal of your success.

  3. Imagine the outcome you want and keep your attention on it.

  4. Ask yourself: What will my future self be proud of?

Are you ready to step to your next level? If you are! I have two coaching spots starting in September! We coach together for 6 months and together we get clear on what you want, what you want to create. We work together on taking your desires and turning them into reality. We redesign your relationship with fear so that you courageously create the life you know you are meant to live.

If you feel called to work with me at a higher level,
book a discovery session now, and let’s talk!

Thank you for listening to this episode, I will chat to you again next week.

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Ilonka Ras

Ilonka is a certified Strategic Intervention Coach and has a passion for helping overworked women entrepreneurs free up space and energy in their day so they have more time for the things that matter to them.

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