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Ep #56 The 4 activities you must calendar in your business

October 15, 20225 min read

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When working with my clients to help them determine exactly what they need to do to achieve their 12-month goal in 90 days, while doing less, one of the questions I get asked a lot is:

“What tasks should I be focusing on in order to move the needle forward?”

The thing is, we already know what we need to do. The problem is actually that we don’t want to do it.

It’s very easy to keep ourselves busy. To do a ton of stuff and feel exhausted at the end of the day but our results and our bank accounts are mediocre.

So, why do we procrastinate on the tasks we know will move our business and lives forward?

The answer is simple.

Because it’s uncomfortable…there is always something more fun that we would rather do.

Sometimes, if the thing we know we need to do is super uncomfortable, we will even do things we don’t really like doing simply because it is less uncomfortable than the very uncomfortable thing we need to do!

For instance, I hate doing laundry…and I would rather do the laundry (and even iron) if it means I don’t need to do the thing in my business that scares me.

After over a decade in business, I want to make it easy for you. Whether you’re just starting out, or a seasoned pro, there are only four things you MUST actively and consistently do in your business to achieve your goals and grow your business and your income:

  1. Get Visible

  2. Be known for something

  3. Make offers more often

  4. Give them what they came for

Let’s break each of these down in actionable steps you can start doing this week:

1, Get visible to your people.

People need to know you exist. You need to constantly work on growing the number of people you meet, interact with, and build relationships with.

If people don’t know you exist, how will they ever buy your services? The simplest way to get visible is to go out and meet people.

Before your brain gets stuck in the how or where. Let me give you some examples of meeting people and getting visible to your ideal customers:

- Run ads,

- Post on Facebook,

- Do Instagram stories,

- Go on Tik Tok,

- Go to in-person networking events,

- Be a guest on other people's podcasts

The list is endless…

Don’t allow your brain to tell you that you don’t know. Get creative and list 10 ways you can get visible to your audience.

2. Be known for something.

In order for people to know what you do, you need to tell them what you do! (So simple but we don’t do this!)

Whenever you meet people, tell them what you do. Don’t assume they know.

Make a list of ten ways you can tell people what you do.

3. Make offers to help them, more often.

Many of my clients struggle to make an actual offer because they don’t want to feel pushy or sleazy.

Here’s what’s important to understand: You are running a business! Money is the lifeblood of your business and you need to have money coming in if you want it to stay alive.

You get money by selling your stuff. You sell your stuff by making an offer to your people!

Check-in with how many offers you’ve made in the last two weeks.

If you want to make more money, you need to make more offers.

Remember, selling isn’t sleazy. Selling is simply inviting people to work with you at the highest level. Selling is serving.

4. Give them what they came for.

Entrepreneurship is not just about selling. In order to grow your business and have people talking about your amazing service to their friends, you need to give them what they came for.

This means, delivering what your clients pay you for!

Whenever you are in scarcity mode, spinning in confusion about where your next client will come from, ask yourself how you can serve your current clients at a higher level.

Remember, you are in the driver's seat of your business and your only job as an entrepreneur is to find problems and serve your people by solving those problems.

If you’re a mom entrepreneur and you are ready to create identity-based habits so you can achieve your business goals with less effort while having more free time for family and fun, then I want to invite you to apply to work with me for the next six months.

We coach together weekly. We get super clear on what you’re currently spending your time on that’s not working, we course correct and take massive aligned action on the things that 100% will get you to your goal.

We don’t overcomplicate. We focus on achieving more while doing less.

If you feel called, head over to to fill in the application form and book your discovery session once your application is approved.

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Ilonka Ras

Ilonka is a certified Strategic Intervention Coach and has a passion for helping overworked women entrepreneurs free up space and energy in their day so they have more time for the things that matter to them.

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