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Ep #59 Time is money. Or is it?

October 29, 20225 min read

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We hear all the time how “Time is money”.

Is it really?

The thing about the human brain, you can’t lie to it when it comes to your beliefs. You can’t force it to think something isn’t true when it believes it is.

This is why we struggle to achieve our goals. If we believe we can’t, we won’t. If we believe something to be a fact, our brain will look for real life examples to proof that belief.

The good news is that there is no such thing as a good belief or a wrong belief. There are simply beliefs that serve us in creating the life we want, and those that don’t.

If you look at your life and there is an area that you find difficult, want to change but struggle with, there is always a belief at the root of it.

The opposite is also true for the areas of your life that you love. If things are going great, there is also a belief at the root of that!

Our hardest work in creating what we want from our life and business lies in the beliefs we carry with us.

If we want to create a change or achieve something big, we need to create beliefs that make it possible for us to create that result.

Lucky for us, we aren’t born with a set of beliefs. We learn them. Which also means we can unlearn the ones that don’t expand us, and learn new ones that do.

One of the most common beliefs I work on with mom entrepreneurs is the THE TIME IS MONEY belief.

We learn this belief from how the corporate world is structured. We are paid an hourly wage for the work we do as an employee.

As an entrepreneur, this belief WILL stop you from creating the business you want because you will very quickly run out of hours to sell!

This is why it’s imperative for any mom entrepreneur to challenge this belief and use it for her good instead of against herself.

Before we can change a belief we need to find the one worth changing. Once we’ve found it, we need to poke holes in it so that our brain can get on board with the invalidity of it. All that remains is then replacing that limiting belief with an empowering one.

How do we find our beliefs? 

This is easy, you simply need to listen to what you say often, especially around a subject you want to change. Or struggle with.

If it's your weight...what do you often say about your body, food, people who have the type of body you want.

These are your beliefs. Some of them might be true...but 99% of them are not.

If you struggle with managing your time...what are you constantly saying to yourself and others about your time.

You can use this for any area of your life that you find difficult or struggle to change.

Once you know what the limiting belief/thought is. You must find the holes in it.

We do this by asking two simple questions.

  1. How is this belief/thought true? (Can I find proof?)

  1. How is the opposite true? (Again, look for proof in the real world)

All that remains is asking yourself what thought or new belief you would like to replace it with.

Let's use the example of time is money.

Where is this true?

Time is money if you think about investments.

If you invest money in a vehicle that grows year after year, you get more money because of something called compound interest. 

The longer you have your money in this investment account, the more money you get. So in this case, time is money.

Time is also money if you think about the work you do in your business and in your home. If you have money, you can buy back some of your time by employing a team or outsourcing tasks so that you don't have to do them anymore.

Where is this not true?

We think we need to spend a lot of time to make money, but it's 100% possible to make money without spending any time on it. Think about someone referring business to you. You didn't spend any additional time in acquiring that new client. So it isn't 100% true that time is needed to create money.

If you look at your current beliefs around time and money, are they serving you? If you have what you want then your current beliefs are serving you.

If you don't...this is a clue. You need to question the beliefs and find ones that will move you forward.

Time in my opinion is infinitely more valuable than money, because my time is finite, I am not even sure how much time I have. Money on the other hand is infinite. It serves me because if I believe my time is more valuable than my money, I look for ways to save time, spend money. BUT I am also more intentional with the money I spend because it's possible to spend money on things that can take my time from me again.

If you’re ready to have more time and money as a mom in business, let’s work together. You can apply to work with me here.

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Ilonka Ras

Ilonka is a certified Strategic Intervention Coach and has a passion for helping overworked women entrepreneurs free up space and energy in their day so they have more time for the things that matter to them.

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