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Ep#06 Reduce distractions and skyrocket productivity

October 31, 20213 min read

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A different perspective on distractions.

We can't avoid them 100% of the time but we can plan for them! In this week's episode of the Mom Aligned podcast, I share what I've learned about distractions and how you can reduce them in your business.

Do you find it hard to focus on your business? As mom entrepreneurs, distractions are a normal part of our day but it doesn't need to rule our time!

Distractions are all around us.

As mom entrepreneurs, we typically don't have an entire 8 hour day to focus on business only. We have a lot of responsibility and it all takes time! Kids need to be fetched from school, or taken to after-school activities. If you're homeschooling like we are, and also working from home, the number of hours you have available to work uninterrupted is not a lot!

For most moms who start their own businesses, the biggest driving factor in the decision to become an entrepreneur is so the desire for more flexibility or time freedom. Yet, for most moms that I work with, managing time effectively and feeling balanced between business and family life is a real challenge.

It can feel impossible to get things done with a million things fighting for our attention...our kids included!

"We cannot call something a distraction if we don't know what it is distracting us from." - Nir Eyal.

So many mom entrepreneurs don't have clear goals in their businesses. I know I didn't when I got started in my business! If we want to achieve more in less time, reduce distractions, and be more productive, we need to know what we want. We must have a clear goal for our business.

If we don't know what we're working towards it's easy to get lost in a gazillion mundane tasks, mindlessly doing a bunch of things with no real direction!

We can hack back our time all we want but at the end of the day there is no point in reducing distractions, or checking off every item on our to-do list, if we're not achieving the outcomes we set out to achieve in our business.

When we have clear outcomes, becoming more productive becomes simple.

your aligned action task and takeaway

Have a clear goal for your business so that you know exactly what you're working towards.

2. Prioritise income-producing tasks first - your in business to make money. Don't waste the time you have by spending the majority of it on things that don't matter in the long run.

3. Make a list of the things that distract you and start planning ways to reduce/eliminate the distraction.

4. Give yourself grace. It's okay to move slower or have days where it feels like the wheels are coming off the bus. Just keep moving forward and be kind to yourself on your journey.

resources mentioned in this episode

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Ilonka Ras

Ilonka is a certified Strategic Intervention Coach and has a passion for helping overworked women entrepreneurs free up space and energy in their day so they have more time for the things that matter to them.

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