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Ep #60 Get your hopes up

November 05, 20223 min read

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How much time do you spend in the possibility of something?

Or are you spending all your time in how something won’t work out.

We’ve all heard the saying “Don’t get your hopes up.”

Why are we so afraid of believing in the possibility of it?

I believe we do this because we are making our past mean something about our future. Sometimes we simply cannot imagine more for ourselves.

Perhaps, because deep down we don’t think we are worthy of it, capable of it, or that it’s reserved for someone else.

Abraham Hicks talks about our desires and dreams as a river and how everything we want is downstream in this river. We spend all this time swimming up stream. Going against the current. We fight for our doubts and limitations because we believe so strongly in them.

When in fact, we simply need to let go and allow ourselves to experience the flow of life. To get what we want.

There is a contrast between where we are and where we want to be. We think as soon as we have what we desire, we will feel happy.

However, we forget that the contrast is part of our human experience. It is the contrast that helps us to grow, strive for more, to be better.

If you’ve ever achieved a goal or got the thing you wanted…and soon wanted something else or more, you know what I am talking about.

We block what is possible because we convince ourselves that there is something wrong with the contrast.

Mostly, because of how uncomfortable it feels.

Firstly, because we want everything right now. Secondly, because we don’t believe in the possibility of it.

We cannot imagine creating the 7 figure business…so we don’t.

We can’t imagine losing 50 kgs or 100 pounds…so we don’t.

We decide it isn’t possible.

So we settle with what we’ve got.

We don’t want to believe in the possibility, we don’t want to get our hopes up.

We are scared we’ll fail.

We think about this future disappointment.

What we’re really doing is deciding to feel the disappointment ahead of time.

Isn’t that crazy?

How much of your life are you spending not getting your hopes up?

How much possibility are you taking away from yourself because you’re not willing to allow yourself to just feel the desire of it.

Imagine for a minute what you want?

Imagine for a minute what’s possible for your life.

How good does it feel to imagine it?

It feels good to get your hopes up.

Even if you do miss the mark, isn’t it better to feel good than feeling disappointed about something you didn’t even give a change?

It’s time to get your hopes up, mama.

It’s time to stop swimming up stream…fighting the contrast.

It’s time to stop fighting the desires and dreams that were placed in your heart.

There is a part of you that knows you are capable.

There is a part of you that revels in the possibility.

I’m not saying that you need to be a walking talking ray of sunshine every day.

I am merely suggesting that you give equal bandwidth to what won’t work to what could.

Get your hopes up mama.

And watch how things change.

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Ilonka Ras

Ilonka is a certified Strategic Intervention Coach and has a passion for helping overworked women entrepreneurs free up space and energy in their day so they have more time for the things that matter to them.

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