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Ep #62 5 Mistakes We Make When We Set Goals

November 19, 20226 min read

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It’s November and for me, this is the time when I reflect on the last 12 months, I celebrate what I have achieved, I evaluate what didn’t work so well and what I would like to do differently in the next 12 months, and it is also the time when I set my new goal for the new year.

The process I love to use to set new goals allows me to create a solid plan as well as 100% belief in the goal so that come January, I can hit the ground running. Going through this process in November means I have it all done before the December Holidays which allows me to take what’s left of the year to simply sit in the belief that this goal is DONE and be truly present with my family.

Setting goals has become synonymous with the personal development industry and the process is simple, yet, I still see many of my clients make mistakes when setting goals which make it harder on them to create the result they want.

Before we dive into what these 5 mistakes are, let’s take a look at the three elements that make up a goal.

Every goal has three elements to it.

  1. The external result or outcome you want to achieve. Most people set the outcome without considering their goal track record (that is, how many goals they have created and achieved in the past).

  2. The processes, beahviors, the actions you do to achieve it. Setting a goal is the first important part, the second equally important part that so many people don’t do, is creating a very clear step by step plan for making their goal a reality.

  3. Identitfying with the type of person who makes it happen. The person you are being at the identity level (that is what you believe, what you do as a result of that belief, and what you experience in your reality as a result of those actions) is what determines whether you achieve the goal or not.

When we set a goal we have to work at all three elements if we want to be successful. The problem is, most people only focus on the outcome, the result they want to create, and typically, they focus on this outcome with a scarcity mindset.

They set the goal, but they don’t truly belief it’s possible for them to achieve it, and so the goal in itself is a start reminder of what they don’t have and just how impossible it feels to make it real.

I love this quote I heard on Alex Hormozi’s YouTube channel: “Winners and losers have the same goals. What separates them is the activities they commit to.”

I believe that when we work from an abundance mindset we will make different, more empowering, decisions about our goal, which in the end, make achieving it inevitable.

Let’s dive in to the 5 most common mistakes I see when mom entrepreneurs set goals in their life and business.

The 5 mistakes we make when we set goals and how to avoid them:

  1. We set a goal and then lose steam - we set a goal and we think that because we set a goal that is enough. It is not. One of my favorite quotes is that the problem is not that we don’t know what to do, it is that we don’t do what we know we should do. 

  2. We make the process miserable. 

We focus on the big goal and it makes us feel overwhelmed but we also don’t create the environment that will make us feel like doing the things we need to do to achieve the goal.

  1. We commit to the outcome instead of committing to the actions.

Commit to the goal, but the goal in itself won’t happen unless you’re committed to the doing. Committing to taking action. The goal is the actions.

  1. We underestimate how much we will need to do to make it a reality.

It takes time to become the person. What would the millionaire do, what would x do. We’re not good at predicting. At each crossroad: ask what type of person do I want to become and what would that person do? Reinforces the identity.

  1. We think achieving it will make us happy.

Or, we expect our goal to motivate and excite us. To pull us out of bed in the morning. Here’s the truth: It’s not your goals job to excite you, it is your job to decide why it is exciting. It might be exciting and it’s good that you’re going for something that actually does excite you but on the hard days…you won’t feel like it.

Also, any emotion we want to feel is already available to us. You get to feel the way you think you’ll feel right now. Which asks us to examine the goal because if we can feel that way now, do we still want to pursue it? We need a strong why for the goal. 

One of the things that keep us from achieving our goals is we think we don’t know how (sometimes we don’t but most 99% of the time we do, we are just afraid of doing it.

There is no one, perfect way. You decide the way, take the action, and adjust where necessary.

“People who achieve the extraordinary do the uncommonly obviously things for an inordinate period of time.” - Alex Hormozi

Allow yourself to stop overcomplicating and do what you know you need to do, and if there is resistance about doing what you know you should be doing…then that is where you work starts.

If you’re ready to focus on the essential and spend your time on what matters in both life and business, let’s talk about how my 6-month coaching season can help you achieve more while doing less.

Book your discovery call here.

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Ilonka Ras

Ilonka is a certified Strategic Intervention Coach and has a passion for helping overworked women entrepreneurs free up space and energy in their day so they have more time for the things that matter to them.

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