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Ep#07 What you need to achieve your goals and feel fulfilled

November 07, 20214 min read

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WHAT we do (or don't do) and WHY we do what we do, are driven by our need to fill 6 distinct psychological needs. 

Created by Tony Robbins, 6 Human needs psychology is the easiest and fastest way to gain a deep awareness of yourself and others as well as achieve your goals in a way that is aligned with what you need as an individual.

As part of my studies to becoming a certified Strategic Intervention Coach, the 6 Human needs and their effect on what, why, and how we operate in this world was fascinating. It has created many breakthroughs not only in my own life but also in the lives of my clients, hence my desire to share it with you in today's episode of the Mom Aligned Podcast.

6 Human needs psychology states that every human has 6 needs they need to fill and that they WILL fill these needs in one way or the other.

We can fill our needs is constructive or destructive ways but fill them we will!

The six needs are

  1. Certainty

  2. Variety

  3. Significance

  4. Love/Connection

  5. Growth

  6. Contribution

The first 4 are the needs of the personality and they are essential to human survival. If we don't meet these needs we die.

The last two needs are the needs of the spirit and they are essential for feeling fulfilled.

What’s interesting is that although we are driven to fill all of these (especially the first 4), we have two that are predominantly important to us.

Let's break down each need in a bit more detail. Which two stand out for you?


This is our need to feel certain. To feel secure, to be comfortable.


This is our need to change, adventure, variety.


Our need to feel important. To be understood, and to know that we matter.


Our need to love and be loved. To feel connected to other humans.


Our need to grow and evolve, learn new things and grow spiritually


Our need to make a difference in the world, to contribute beyond ourselves.

We all have different vehicles for meeting these needs. So, even though two people may have the same dominant needs, they could use very different vehicles to meet those needs.

Say for instance one of your dominant needs is to feel significant. You could feel significant by contributing beyond yourself. Like starting a business and helping people. Or you could feel significant by getting angry all the time and being aggressive.

It’s obvious from this example that we could have productive or “good” ways of meeting our needs, or we can meet our needs in destructive, or unhealthy ways.

Understanding what your most important needs are helps you to know what fuels and drives you.

You’ll be able to understand others better and also connect at a deeper level in your relationships. You’ll gain a deeper understanding of why certain things trigger you and you'll feel more empowered to take back control of your emotions and feel more fulfilled in everything you do (including achieving those big goals in your business).

your aligned action task and takeaway

1. Discover your dominant need by completing the Human Needs test below.

2. What second need is most important to you?

3. Make a list of how you meet these two dominant needs currently.

4. What are some more productive ways you can meet these needs?

5. Book a private consultation session with me to discuss how you can leverage your dominant needs to achieve bigger in business while doing less.

resources mentioned in this episode

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Ilonka Ras

Ilonka is a certified Strategic Intervention Coach and has a passion for helping overworked women entrepreneurs free up space and energy in their day so they have more time for the things that matter to them.

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