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Ep#08 Your life is calling. Multitasking is muting the sound.

November 14, 20215 min read

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As mom entrepreneurs we are wearing many different hats throughout the day and multitasking seems natural to us! However, keeping multiple balls up in the air or jumping between different tasks is actually hurting us way more than we realize!

Many of the moms I work with are get it done type women who don’t typically identify themselves as being unproductive.

They get a lot of stuff done. They can do more in a day than most struggle to do in a week.

Because we move so fast it is also very easy for us to spread ourselves too thin. This can cause a lot of mom guilt, overwhelm, and stress in our lives.

I am a type 3 woman, (when I say type three, I am referring to Carol Tuttle’s energy profiling system, you can learn more about that HERE)

Carol created an energy profiling system that consists of 4 types. Type 1, 2, 3, 4. These types are expressed in all of us but we lead with a dominant type. Understanding my type has helped me understand myself and my kids and my husband SOOOOO much better and I would highly recommend you check it will give you so much clarity and awareness not only as a mother but also as an entrepreneur.

The fact that I am a type 3 means that I can move a lot of projects forward at the same time. Multitasking in a way.

This is something that is in my nature and many friends and family members are always astonished by how much I can get done in a short amount of time.

I wanted to deep-dive into the subject of
multitasking and share why it is preventing you from being productive (even if you think it isn’t) and ultimately it is contributing to you feeling overwhelmed and stressed out!

Focusing on one specific thing can feel impossible when you're a mom in business. And it is very natural for moms to have multiple things moving at once.

  • Sweeping the kitchen floor while the kettle is boiling for coffee or tea.

  • Organizing the bathroom cabinet drawer while you’re brushing your teeth.

  • Having 700 tabs open because you’re researching content but you’re also busy responding to a couple of emails that just came in.

  • Or you’re working on creating something in your business but you’re also checking in on social media.

  • If you’re a work from home mom you’re also dealing with whatever the kids need in the moment.

We’re always on. Always busy.

And although "busy" isn't a bad thing, the type of busy that comes with multitasking isn’t good for your health, your productivity, or your bank account.

Multitasking is the number one thing that I would recommend you start checking in on if you feel overwhelmed or stressed out in your business.

Multitasking is actually contributing to you feeling exhausted or tired. And here’s why.

When we multitask, we are context switching– this is when you jump between tasks, tools, or projects.

Context Switching has a profound impact on your productivity, focus, and happiness. And although it might not feel like that big of a deal, the compounding effect is staggering:

According to psychologist Gerald Weinberg, every time you context switch, or switch between different tasks, you're losing valuable time. In fact, it eats up anything between 20% to 80% of your overall productivity!

So let’s say you’ve set an hour aside to research social media content.

If you spend the entire 60 minutes without getting distracted or context switching, your productivity is at 100%

If you're distracted by an email notification you "quickly" head into your inbox to check or respond, according to the stats, you’ve just lost 20% of the time just because you switched. That is 12 minutes of your time!

Let’s say it takes you 20 minutes to get out of your inbox. That means you lost 32 minutes of time on the initial task!

So the initial 60 minutes was not reduced down to only 28 minutes!

You can’t do your best work when your attention is scattered across 700 open apps, a gazillion ongoing conversations, and a to-do list that stretches for miles.

Check the aligned action tasks and key takeaways for this episode to learn how you can align your workday in a way that allows for more productive periods of focus without adding more hours.

If you are ready to work less, achieve more, and live a life that is aligned with your deepest desires and biggest dreams, then the Mom Aligned Collective is where you need to be. It is a monthly coaching membership where you will learn tools and strategies to work less, get personal support with achieving BIG goals, in a way that aligns with your soul and the life and business you want to create for yourself.

Doors to the membership are opening soon! Join the waitlist here.

your aligned action task and takeaway

  1. Take stock of how you’re currently managing your time and where you’re context switching.

  2. Identify the pockets of time where you can work uninterrupted - look for the small pockets. 20-30 minutes.

  3. Plan and schedule your time

  4. Reduce distractions

  5. Simplify. How can you achieve the same/better result in a simpler way?

Book a private consultation session with me to discuss how you can leverage your dominant needs to achieve bigger in business while doing less.

other resources mentioned in this episode

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Ilonka Ras

Ilonka is a certified Strategic Intervention Coach and has a passion for helping overworked women entrepreneurs free up space and energy in their day so they have more time for the things that matter to them.

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