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Ep #82 The Hidden Pitfall of Business Ownership: Tying Your Worth to Your Work . 

April 09, 20232 min read

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As women entrepreneurs, we often tie our identities, self-worth, and self-concept to our businesses and its success. This attachment creates an emotional roller coaster that can make entrepreneurship even more challenging. 

In this podcast episode, we'll discuss the pitfalls of attaching yourself to your business, the signs that you're doing so, and how to break free from this mindset so that you feel empowered to make better decisions and achieve lasting success.

Tying Yourself to Your Business

When we attach ourselves to our businesses, we tend to make decisions based on our emotions rather than strategic, purposeful thinking. This can lead to poor choices, grasping for sales, and an inability to grow. By tying ourselves to our businesses, we also risk losing objectivity and making decisions to please others instead of focusing on the facts and data that will drive long term success.

Signs You're Tying Your Self-Worth to Your Business

  1. You get upset when someone says no to your offer.

  2. You don't want others to do anything for you, and you struggle to delegate or outsource tasks.

  3. You grasp for sales, often with a sense of urgency or scarcity.

  4. You try to sell to everyone instead of focusing on your ideal clients.

  5. You change your prices or services to please everyone, even if it means sacrificing your business's core values.

  6. You compare yourself to others and fall into a cycle of despair and hopelessness.

  7. You're afraid to grow your business because it means changing yourself or facing the unknown.

Breaking Free and Finding Your Worth Inside Yourself

To break free from this mindset, it's crucial to recognize when you're tying yourself to your business and take steps to change. By doing so, you can focus on the facts and math of your business, make better decisions, and ultimately achieve the results that are important to you. You will also feel much less pressure to achieve certain results fast!

Remember that you're serving your clients for their transformation and results, not for your own validation. 

Your self-worth is determined by you, not your clients or your business's success. Believe in your worthiness and manage your emotions, regardless of what's happening in your business. Tune in to this episode and learn how to untie yourself from your business success and failures. 


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Ilonka Ras

Ilonka is a certified Strategic Intervention Coach and has a passion for helping overworked women entrepreneurs free up space and energy in their day so they have more time for the things that matter to them.

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