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Ep #83 Navigating the river of misery as a woman entrepreneur

April 17, 20233 min read

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Navigating the River of Misery as a woman entrepreneur

Welcome to the newly rebranded Wildly Aligned podcast, formerly known as the Mom Aligned podcast. In this blog post, we'll be discussing the concept of the "River of Misery" and how it relates to entrepreneurs. The term "River of Misery" is a metaphorical concept that describes a state of prolonged suffering, hardship, or emotional turmoil. As entrepreneurs, we all have experienced this state at some point in our journey.

In this episode, we'll explore the different ways woman entrepreneurs experience the River of Misery, share some common misconceptions about it, and provide guidance on how to navigate it effectively.

Understanding the River of Misery

When we find ourselves in the River of Misery, it's natural to doubt our own capabilities and progress. We may compare ourselves to others, question our choices, and feel overwhelmed by negative emotions. It's important to acknowledge that nothing has gone wrong – experiencing the River of Misery is a normal part of the human experience.

Recognising that life and business have cycles can help us better understand and navigate the River of Misery. Just like the seasons in nature, our personal and professional lives have ups and downs. By accepting and embracing these cycles, we can approach the River of Misery with a healthier mindset.

What to Do (and Not Do) in the River of Misery

  1. Don't make big decisions: When you're in the River of Misery, it's not the best time to make important decisions, as your emotions may cloud your judgment.

  1. Create space in your day: Allow yourself to move at a slower pace and reduce the pressure on yourself. Take time for self-care and relaxation.

  1. Talk about your feelings: Share your experiences with your support network, whether that's a partner, coach, or friends. This can help you feel less alone in your struggles.

  1. Name your emotions: Practice emotional granularity by accurately identifying and labeling your emotions. This can help you better regulate your emotions and understand what you're going through.

  1. Keep showing up: Even when you're in the River of Misery, you can still serve your clients and make progress in your business. Don't let your current emotional state hold you back from achieving your goals.

  1. Shift your focus: Take the attention away from yourself and focus on serving others or spending time with loved ones. Surround yourself with uplifting content and people who make you feel better.

  1. Acknowledge your emotions: Accept and acknowledge how you feel in the moment without trying to change it. This can help release negative emotions more quickly.

The next time you find yourself in the River of Misery, remember these strategies to help you navigate through it more effectively. Embrace the natural cycles of life and business, and give yourself grace and understanding as you journey through the ups and downs of entrepreneurship.


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Ilonka Ras

Ilonka is a certified Strategic Intervention Coach and has a passion for helping overworked women entrepreneurs free up space and energy in their day so they have more time for the things that matter to them.

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