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Ep#100 Are you setting goals from a place of scarcity?

September 04, 20235 min read

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Have you ever set a goal but felt like it wasn't sufficient?

I stumbled upon a sneaky mindset that was holding me back from achieving the desired level of financial success in my business. And I'm excited to share it with you because you might be facing the same obstacle. It's time for us to shift our perception and make more money with less effort.

So, I set a goal to reach a revenue of 1.5 million within 12 months.

At the time, my rolling 12-month revenue was around 350k. Reaching 1.5 million meant more than tripling my earnings, which is commonly known as hyper-growth in the business world.

Hyper-growth is absolutely attainable. Although, it often presents its own set of challenges because rapid growth can strain our existing structures and systems.

Things may start to break, and we might face difficulties in managing delivery, leading to dissatisfied customers.

I noticed that I felt disconnected from this 1.5 million goal. It seemed unattainable. Setting big goals is important, and I encourage you to dream big, but it's crucial to approach goals in a way that motivates us rather than holds us back. In my case, I set an ambitious goal within a short time frame, and as a result, I created unnecessary resistance and failed to achieve that goal. In fact, I ended up making less money than the previous year, which was the opposite of what I intended.

The disconnect didn't come from the size of the goal itself, but from my specific thoughts about it. More precisely, it was related to the number I had in mind to replace my corporate salary after accounting for business expenses and taxes.

The problem was that I initially set a goal of 500k, which felt great and achievable as I was progressing towards it. However, I kept telling myself that 500k wasn't enough, leading to the creation of an unrealistic goal (1.5 million) that I knew I couldn't reach in that year.

The thoughts driving this decision to set an unattainable goal were fuelled by past beliefs and insecurities.

My thoughts were::

  • R500k isn’t enough.

  • I need to replace my salary to support my family.

  • I need to catch up for the months and years I did not create an income in my business.

These thoughts rushed and overwhelmed me in a negative way.

It's important to recognize that income from a job and income as an entrepreneur require different skill sets. As an employee, one focuses on excelling at their job, while as an entrepreneur, one must excel at their work and be even better at selling it.

The thoughts of needing to replace my salary and the inadequacy of my business were rooted in a sense of "not enough." Each thought triggers an emotion, and for me, it was anxiety caused by thinking that the R500k would not suffice.

This anxiety led me to take action from a hustling mindset. Instead of focusing on what was already working and doubling down on it, I constantly sought new offerings, alternative marketing strategies, and additional sources of income. This scattered approach resulted in indecision, no offers to clients, and a two-month period without revenue.

Upon reflection, I could see the cycle I had created. I share this process so that you can break free from the "not enough" mindset and regain a clear path to profitability in your business.

To achieve your goals faster without falling into hustle energy, it's crucial to understand the following:

  1. Thoughts generate emotions.

  2. Emotions drive behaviours.

  3. Behaviours lead to outcomes.

  4. Results don’t lie.

My thoughts stemmed from the belief that my initial goal was insufficient. The resulting emotion, anxiety, propelled me to take actions that perpetuated what I didn't desire.

When we have thoughts of "not enough," we attract more lack into our lives.
Setting goals and generating revenue are crucial aspects of any business. However, it is essential to approach these tasks with a clear perspective to avoid getting overwhelmed or running in the wrong direction.

The Importance of Setting Aligned Goals

When we set goals from a place of scarcity or insufficiency, we inadvertently create more of the same. It's crucial to push ourselves out of our comfort zones without freezing ourselves in the process. To begin, it's essential to question the reasons behind our chosen revenue numbers and goals.

Breaking Down Goals into Manageable Steps

Instead of focusing on finding a large number of clients all at once, it is more effective to concentrate on closing one client at a time. By shifting our perspective and breaking down the process into smaller, bite-sized pieces, we can make the work required simpler and more achievable.

The more simple and doable your goals feel, the faster you will move towards achieving them.


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Ilonka Ras

Ilonka is a certified Strategic Intervention Coach and has a passion for helping overworked women entrepreneurs free up space and energy in their day so they have more time for the things that matter to them.

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