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Episode #88 Stop thinking this one thing and see how your business changes for the better

May 21, 20235 min read

Listen to the episode here 👇


Hey sister. Welcome to this week’s episode! Do you remember why you started this business? 

I know something about you and it’s this:

You decided to become an entrepreneur because you wanted more for yourself. 

You wanted to have control over your own schedule, work when you want to, have flexibility to spend time on your other passions, or be there to pick your kids up from school, perhaps travel more. 

I also know that you have a deep need to help people. 

You’re not in business just because of the time and financial freedom it can bring to you. 

You want to make a difference in this world. Leave your mark on it. Leave it better than you found it.

Our number one priority as entrepreneurs is to be change makers. To create a better world not only for ourselves but also for those around us. I believe the best way to do that is to build a business that is time rich. 

Let me explain what a time rich business is:

  • Working the number of hours YOU want to work.

  • Working efficiently and hitting your goals in less time.

  • Working without overwhelm.

  • Knowing exactly what you need to focus on (and what to stop focusing on) in order to drive your business forward.

  • Feeling calm and confident in your day.

  • Having your own back and trusting the decisions you make.

  • Making a decision once and then sticking to it, not spinning in confusion.

  • Not procrastinating because you know how to deal with uncomfortable emotions.

  • A time rich business fuels your life. It fuels your impact. It fuels the world you want to live in.

There is ONE thing that is standing between you and creating a time rich business.

This one thing is a thought, a belief, that if we choose to let go of it, can propel us into the life and business we want faster than we could ever have imagined. 

Every single women entrepreneur I have worked with over the last couple of years believed this one belief and as soon as they let it go and chose the opposite of it as their new way of thinking and being as an entrepreneur, things shifted DRAMATICALLY. 

For my clients this belief shift created:

  • The result of doubling her annual revenue in 12 months and is well on track to having a seven figure business.

  • Hiring assistants to take some of the load off

  • Streamlining their businesses so that it can run like clockwork even if they aren’t there.

  • It has created more calm, more presence when they are with their families.

  • More rest, because they don’t need to work themselves to the bone anymore

  • Improved relationships because they don’t feel as stressed about their business anymore and now have the energy and time to spend with those who really matter to them

"I can do it all." 

Complete and utter nonsense. I know you know that “I can do it all” is a lie. It's causing so much suffering in the lives of entrepreneurs. It makes us question whether we’re doing enough, being enough. It causes us to feel pressured to do more, reach higher levels, without ever questioning whether that is really what we want.

Whether that thing you’re chasing is even aligned.

I want to offer you a shift on how you think about the things you want, what you can accomplish.

You don’t need to make a big shift in the way you’re thinking. It’s a simple 5 degree tilt.

Instead of thinking: 

“I can have it all”

I want to offer you:

“I can’t have it all, but I can have everything I want.”

There’s a difference.

One of the skills I teach the women inside The School of Less Effort, and the work with my private coaching sessions is the skill of constraint.

Constraining your focus, because it is crucial for achieving your goals. 

It's easy to get distracted by shiny objects or new ideas, but it's hard to stay focused on one or two big goals, especially when those goals are long-term. We often crave instant gratification, and that's where we go wrong.

Warren Buffett emphasises the importance of focus in achieving success: "The difference between successful people and really successful people is that really successful people say no to almost everything."

When we believe we can do it all and have it all, it’s natural to say yes to every opportunity that crosses our path. We jump onto every shine object. Before we know it we have 3000 open tabs, we’ve bought 20 different online courses, we’ve added new products and services, heck, sometimes we even start new businesses without intentionally questioning whether these things are actually helping us to create the life we want.

Constraining our focus, deciding what we want and then going all in on that one thing means we also inevitably need to deal with the uncomfortable emotions that will come up along the way. If you are really honest about what you want to create for yourself, it probably scares you a little bit, there will definitely be some doubt, some fear, it will require you to be courageous, to be disciplined, to stay committed…none of which feel good in the moment, by the way.

The good news is, you get to choose when you feel the hard emotions.

You get to choose whether you feel them now, while you’re creating your time rich business and the life you want, or later, when you’re wallowing in regret because you didn’t show up for the life you were meant to live.

Thank you for joining me today on the Wildly Aligned Podcast. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe and share with your fellow entrepreneurs. Until next week, stay wildly aligned.


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Ilonka Ras

Ilonka is a certified Strategic Intervention Coach and has a passion for helping overworked women entrepreneurs free up space and energy in their day so they have more time for the things that matter to them.

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