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Ep #70 Do it tomorrow

January 14, 20236 min read

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We all do it.

But why exactly? 

Understanding what procrastination really is and why we do it as entrepreneurs is the first step in breaking free and taking massive aligned action towards the things we want.

In this episode of the Mom Aligned Podcast, I am going to share 

  • exactly what procrastination is, 

  • why we do it, 

  • the four sneaky ways procrastination shows up so that you can recognize it when it happens, 

  • and some simple ways to reframe things for yourself so that you can get the things done in your business that will get you to your goals.

What is procrastination exactly?

“The habit of delaying an important task, usually by focusing on less urgent, more enjoyable, and easier activities instead.”

I don’t know about you but when I procrastinate I will even willingly do the things that aren’t that enjoyable…like the dishes, the laundry…watching paint dry…I even convince myself that those things are way more important than taking action in my business!

Why do we do it?

According to neuroscience procrastination is a biological response that happens as a result of a very real battle that is going on in our brains!

The two opponents in this battle is limbic system and the prefrontal cortex.

The limbic system, known as the paleomammalian brain, is a powerful and ancient part of the brain. It operates mostly on autopilot and is responsible for the physical sensations as well as the flight or fight response and because it has been around for so long it

is also very strong! 

You can think of it as the 1000 year old vampire that has the strength of a million Jason Momoas

The prefrontal cortex, on the other side of this battle, is a lot newer in terms of our evolution as humans. It plays a crucial role in various cognitive functions such as planning, decision making, and self-expression. This part of the brain is considered unique to humans as opposed to animals, who are primarily driven by instinct. 

You can think of this part of your brain as the mortal human who is now facing off against this 1000 year old vampire.

Because the limbic system is much stronger, it very often wins the battle which we experience as procrastination. 

Every time the limbic system wins, it is us (the prefrontal cortex) who has given the limbic system what it wants. 

Another way of looking at procrastination is when our present self looses a battle against our future self.

We are choosing reward in the moment rather than doing the thing that give us a bigger reward in the future.

So basically…we procrastinate because the thing we know we must do isn’t as fun or easy as the other things we could be doing in the moment. 

Four sneaky ways procrastination could be showing up for you in your business:

  1. You tell yourself you work well under pressure.

You convince yourself that having the pressure of completing a task at the 11th hour is when you deliver your best work. The thing is though, it causes a lot of stress and although it’s okay for you to do this every now and then, it isn’t sustainable and often leads to frantic doing struggling to meet deadlines.

The best way to combat this type of procrastination is to get started. Decide when you are going to start a task or project and stick to it.

  1. You tell yourself you are lazy.

We know that laziness isn’t the same as procrastinating. Laziness is the unwillingness to act. Procrastinators are often still doing a lot of things. Notice when you blame inaction on “you just being lazy.” Most often, when this comes us, we are really just tired and it’s time to take a break from what we’re focusing on.

  1. You convince yourself that you are very busy.

Check your calendar! Have you scheduled yourself within an inch of your life? This kind of procrastination often shows up as over scheduling and to do lists that never end. 

Feeling overwhelmed is also an indicator. Check in with how often you use “I was just so busy or I am just so busy” as an excise for not doing something. This is a clue that you are avoiding (a.k.a procrastinating).

So instead of blaming your inaction on being busy and using that as a way to buffer or avoid the thing you need to to, take a moment to check in and ask:  What am I really avoiding by keeping myself busy?

  1. You have another brilliant idea

Also known as Shiny Object Syndrome. This is when you have so many fantastic ideas and new projects, often starting or taking on these new projects only to feel bored with them a week later, and then starting another one!

This is a recipe for burnout and a lot of open projects hanging in the air. 

So instead of taking on a new exciting project, check in. Is this project really aligned with the goal you have set for yourself? Or are you simply using it as a distraction?

At the core of procrastination there is always an emotion that we are trying to avoid. We want to avoid the hard work, the discomfort of doing something that isn’t fun. 

In order to stop procrastinating, we must flip the script on that discomfort and understand that it is actually the hard work that we want to do because the goal or the outcome we want IS what really matters.

This is the work we do in the Mom Aligned Sessions. My 6 month private coaching container for mom entrepreneurs who are serious about not waiting for things to be perfect. Who decide to take action on the life and business they want to create NOW. Because later isn’t an option.

Go to this link to book your call with me and discuss how we can get started on making 2023 the year where you achieve the goals you have in your business, while doing less, and having more fun.

Thank you for listening!

I will chat to you again next week.

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Ilonka Ras

Ilonka is a certified Strategic Intervention Coach and has a passion for helping overworked women entrepreneurs free up space and energy in their day so they have more time for the things that matter to them.

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