The Wildly Aligned Podcast

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The Wildly Aligned Podcast

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Episode #87 3 Steps To Getting Anything Done, Even If You Don’t Feel Like It

Episode #87 3 Steps To Getting Anything Done, Even If You Don’t Feel Like It

May 14, 20236 min read

Listen to the episode here 👇


How often do you know you need to do a certain thing in your business but even if you plan on doing it, and you know it’s important…you still find yourself procrastinating on it, or you’re dreading every moment of doing it if you do manage to get yourself there.

It’s a struggle right? It would be so much easier if we felt motivated all the time.

I am going to share three steps from my Less Effort process that’s part of my monthly membership The School of Less Effort, that you can take to get anything done.

I want to share this with you because I believe it’s something that I have mastered as I have evolved on my entrepreneurial journey, it’s something I help my clients with, and it is what has allowed me and my clients to achieve amazing results in short periods of time.

So get your notebook ready, grab your favorite drink, and get ready, because as my friend always says when she has discovered a new woolies cake…you’re life is about to change.

We're going to dive into three key steps that will help you tackle those dreaded tasks head-on. I am going to share the three steps and then dive a little deeper into each of them so you can really get these concepts. Feel it in your bones. Because knowing isn’t enough. We don’t change simply because we have the information, we want to learn through application.

So the three steps to achieving anything you want is:

  1. Believe you can do it, 

  2. Have fun doing it, and 

  3. Give it a purpose

  1. Believe You Can Do It

Something very interesting happens when we believe we can do something. One of the biggest ways we hold ourselves back is by telling ourselves all sorts of stories about why we cannot do something, why it won’t work.

Let’s use an example. Think about something in your business that you know with absolute conviction you can do. Perhaps you know you can get clients. And even thought it might be hard or feel hard sometimes, you know you can.

Imagine how you show up knowing you can. If you believe 100% that you can, how do you show up? What are you taking action on?

No imagine you believe that you can’t get clients. Feel that for a moment. How does it feel in your body? You don’t feel like jumping into action right? You’re probably not feeling like taking any action because what’s the point anyways?

So the first step is always belief that it is possible. Belief that it can be done.

You might say, okay, Ilonka, I don’t have the belief yet. Let me share two ways you can start believing in yourself:

The first way to build belief: Remind yourself of your past successes. Take a moment to think about the challenges you've overcome in the past, and use that as fuel to believe that you can do it again. 

The Second Way: The best way to build belief is to do the thing. If you hear a voice within you say you cannot paint, then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced. - Vincent Van Gogh

Start developing that belief in yourself by breaking down the task into smaller, more manageable steps. When we see the big picture, it can be overwhelming, and we may feel like we can't possibly achieve it. But by breaking it down, we can see that it's much more doable.

  1. Have Fun Doing It

The second step to getting things done, even when you don't like doing them, is to find ways to have fun while doing it. This doesn't mean that the task itself has to be enjoyable, but rather that you find ways to make the process more enjoyable.

Our brains are wired for easy. It’s wired for pleasure. It will do anything to get the pleasure hit and anything to get away from anything that’s causing it pain. 

Another way to make a task more enjoyable is to change your environment or the way you approach the task. I feel this way about doing admin, so I typically don’t do it in my office, I’ll move to our dining room table (I love our kitchen…it always makes me feel good) changing the environment in which the task is done can help a lot. 

  1. Give It a Purpose

The third and final step to getting things done, even when you don't like doing them, is to give the task a purpose. When we understand how a task is connected to our larger goals, it becomes much easier to find the motivation to complete it.

Side note: If you are doing tasks in your business that cannot be connected to a larger goal, I would really really question why you’re spending any time on it at all.

To give a task purpose, take a moment to think about how it connects to your larger goals. What will completing this task help you achieve? What benefits will you gain from it? By connecting the task to your broader goals and aspirations, you'll find it much easier. When we understand the deeper purpose behind the task, it removes the resistance. And often also the discomfort of doing it.

There you have it, the three key steps to getting things done, even when you don't like doing them: believe you can do it, have fun doing it, and give it a purpose. I have found that when I implement these three steps into my daily tasks, I don’t find myself spending any time on things I don’t want to do anymore.

The school of less effort is open to Founding members! There are limited spots left! Come join us inside and start taking control of your time, your money, and your emotions. Start building your time rich business NOW.

Stay wildly aligned.


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Ilonka Ras

Ilonka is a certified Strategic Intervention Coach and has a passion for helping overworked women entrepreneurs free up space and energy in their day so they have more time for the things that matter to them.

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