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Episode # 92 The case for being on time

June 18, 20233 min read

Listen to the episode here 👇


It's a special time for my family and me. We are on the brink of our annual family trip, and I have to say, it feels a bit strange. You see, my husband and I have jetted off internationally post-COVID, but this marks the first instance since the pandemic began that we are taking to the skies as a family. Picture it – my husband, me, our three energetic children, and my mother all embarking on an adventure together!

This trip is definitely shaping up to be an interesting one.

In parallel to planning our family voyage, I've also been coaching my clients on redefining their relationship with time. I've uncovered a few vital disciplines, or factors, if you will, that lay the foundation for a business that can run smoothly in the background, giving you more freedom and room to breathe.

And one of these essential disciplines? Punctuality.

Personally, I have an aversion to tardiness. I despise being late, and it irks me when others are behind schedule. Of course, we are all human and life does happen. But if you're finding lateness a recurring theme, it's time to reflect.

Now, I understand that punctuality is essentially a belief, a mindset, but it's one that has been incredibly beneficial to me, and I firmly stick by it.

Many people often pose the question, "How on earth do you manage a business and homeschool three kids without losing your marbles?"

The answer, my friends, is this – the discipline of being punctual.

Dan Kennedy defines punctuality in an impactful way: "Being where you are supposed to be when you are supposed to be there, as promised, without exception, without excuse, every time, all the time."

It's just like making your bed in the morning – a simple act that sets the tone for the rest of your day.

I've pondered over why punctuality seems to be such a challenge for some, why they consistently turn up late for appointments. 

And it all comes down to a single core concept – valuing your time.

If you fail to value your time, it also signifies a lack of respect for your own time but also other people's time.

There are numerous repercussions of not valuing your time, overwhelm and stress are two of that come to mind.

I'd love to delve into the advantages of punctuality, and by the end of this episode, I hope to have convinced you of the merits of being on time.

Here's what being punctual brings to the table:

  • Self-respect, a positive self-image, and integrity.

  • It conveys commitment.

  • It shows that you are fully present.

  • It signals that you aren’t merely reacting to life, but participating in it.

  • It projects a professional image.

  • It builds trust.

  • It portrays you as dependable.

  • It enhances productivity.

  • It leads to less stress and less rushing.

  • It builds credibility.

  • And most importantly, it allows you to BE present, to live in the moment, right where you are.

    You might be thinking…it’s easier said than done, but it really isn’t that hard. There is no secret formula other than valuing your time and planning your day. Give yourself the gift of punctuality and see how it improves not only your business but also your stress levels.


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Ilonka Ras

Ilonka is a certified Strategic Intervention Coach and has a passion for helping overworked women entrepreneurs free up space and energy in their day so they have more time for the things that matter to them.

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