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Episode #93 Is your Business taking over your life?

June 26, 20236 min read

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We work a lot as entrepreneurs. Especially in the beginning phases of business. We put a lot of time and effort into building our business. And this makes sense because when we have an idea for a business we are literally creating something out of air. And it’s natural for us to feel like it’s going to take effort and time to do it.

But if we aren't intentional and aware of how much we work it's easy to find ourselves in a place where it feels like our business is the biggest part of our lives. It takes up the most time, it becomes the thing we obsess and think about the most. And we often get to a place of overworking as a result of it. 

When things start picking up in our businesses we tend to still treat it as we did in the beginning because of the time and effort we put in and we are afraid that if we don’t then things will fall apart. 

Being an entrepreneur becomes part of your identity. Who you are. Like being a parent. You are always a mom. You don’t ever take that hat off. I don’t expect you to do it either as an entrepreneur but to remember that you do have other parts of yourself and you want to give time and attention to those parts as well.

How do you know that you are overworked?

I want to share some of the telltale signs and also what neuroscience says about this sign. I will also share what I teach my clients on each of these topics so that you have something very practical and tangible you could implement in your business so that you don’t stay stuck in overworking.

The first telltale sign is how much you work. How much time you spend in and on your business. Although there isn’t a “right” amount of hours to work it’s important to consider a couple of things:

  • the stage of your business will have an impact. When you’re just starting out you might be investing more time initially to get it off the ground. The learning curve is also steep if you’ve never been in biz before.

  • If you have kids, a child with special needs, or you care for elderly parents, this is going to affect how much time you can give to your business.

  • If you have a team or you have business partners. 

  • You might feel like your business is part of your purpose that it’s a mission.

A lot of time for you might not be a lot of time for the next person. We’ve been taught that 8 hour work days are normal. So we tend to base everything around that. The same rules don’t apply to entrepreneurship. 

Especially if you are the one wearing all the hats.

Also, Work is good for us. As humans we thrive if we have a purpose. Something we want to achieve.

But it’s not all we are. We want to be mindful because we want to live a full life. Whatever that means to you I want you to experience it all. For that reason I think it matters what we spend our time on. How we choose to allocate the hours and minutes has a direct impact on that.

Also, As entrepreneurs our work hours aren’t always going to fit into the conventional 9-5. Because of this we tend to not realize how much we are working. Can quickly take over.

The first telltale sign is the number of hours you work in a week. Most entrepreneurs work way more than the WHO’s recommendation of 35-40 hrs.

Research shows that spending more than 36 hours a week on work can significantly increase the risk of burnout. Interestingly, the World Health Organization recognizes burnout as an occupational phenomenon resulting from chronic workplace stress. And here's the kicker: neuroscientific evidence suggests that chronic stress can lead to cognitive impairment, negatively affecting decision-making and creativity, two vital components for growing your business.

We have connected creating results with time. We believe that creating a specific result takes time. It doesn’t.

The second sign:

Skipping self care.

There's also the trend of entrepreneurs neglecting self-care, like skipping meals or exercise due to perceived important tasks. But did you know that regular exercise boosts your brain's health? Studies indicate that it improves memory, attention, and cognitive flexibility. Similarly, nutrition plays a vital role in brain function, affecting mood and energy levels. Hence, not taking care of our basic needs can drastically impact our productivity and wellbeing.

The harsh reality is, you might feel like you're running in a million directions, yet it seems like you're on a treadmill, not moving forward. This might be because of mental fatigue. Studies show that long-term mental exertion can lead to cognitive fatigue, causing a decline in productivity and an increase in mistakes. 

Taking work with you on vacation. Not being able to switch off and really reset. Also, let's talk about vacations and breaks. Neuroscientists say that our brains need downtime to process and consolidate experiences, aiding creativity and problem-solving abilities. So, if you're someone who takes their work on vacation or worry about work constantly, you might be denying your brain this much-needed rest.

Here's the secret ingredient: Value your time more than you value money. Once you internalize this, you'll find yourself focusing on what truly matters, setting healthy boundaries, and making confident decisions. Remember, success in business isn't just about the hours put in, it's also about the quality of those hours. And quality can only come from a well-rested, nourished, and mindful entrepreneur.

Business is amazing. It’s the best feeling in the world to do what you love and to make money while doing it. It’s not all there is. Don’r forget about the other parts of your life in the process. You can give 100% to your business and enjoy all the other incredible parts of your life. Redesigning your relationship with time can be transformative. You'll feel more in control, be more present in your life, work fewer hours, and even stress less. Now that's what we call being wildly aligned!


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Ilonka Ras

Ilonka is a certified Strategic Intervention Coach and has a passion for helping overworked women entrepreneurs free up space and energy in their day so they have more time for the things that matter to them.

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