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Ep#99 Three simple steps to more time and money in your business - part 3

August 27, 20236 min read

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We’re breaking down the three simple steps to creating a time rich business. That means. A business that can run by itself so you have more time to spend in your zone of genius and on the things and people outside of biz that matter to you.

The three steps are

  1. The first step is to VALUE your time.

  2. Second step is to DECIDE what matters.

  3. Third step is to have a CALENDAR that reflects it. 

The third step is having a calendar that shows that you did actually spend time on the things that are important. Those tasks and activities that will create the results and outcomes you want to create in your business and your life. In my coaching membership, The School of Less Effort, we have an entire lesson dedicated to your calendar and I teach my clients how to create their Calendar Protocol.

At the end of the day. The things that get our attention. Our time. IS what matters to us. It s those things that we are committed to.

Ramit Sethi: Show me your calendar and your bank statement and I will show you your priorities.

If you look back at your week, would you say that you spent it where it mattered? What I have learned from myself and working with other women entrepreneurs is that we often don’t have a plan for our time. We don’t know what the most important thing is that we want to accomplish or spend time on in our business or personal life. We just sort of take things day by day, hoping we get through our never ending to do list.

The problem with our to do list is that it’s open ended. We have this long list of tasks and we often expect ourselves to get them done in one day, and we don’t because the to do list doesn’t take into account which tasks are more important that others, and so we tend to focus on the things that are most urgent but we rarely question whether what is urgent is even important.

So instead of just reacting to your day and doing whatever hits your desk in the moment or reacting to that client email…reacting to life basically. I want you to think about your week with more intention and decide in advance what you will give your attention to.

Our calendars are like the gatekeepers of our time. If we value our time and we know what matters, the only thing that remains is that our calendar, the actual minutes and hours of our day, reflect that.

When we consciously move through our week, we will reach the end of it feeling satisfied and accomplished. We will be able to look back on our week and know that our time and our energy was spent where we intented to spend it. We made a plan. And we honored it.

Here’s how you make sure you do what matters:

Plan ahead of time what you want to focus on this week. Keep it to 3 important things you want to focus on. You might be saying that you have more than 3 things that are important. I would really question that. If everything is important then nothing is important, right. 

Once you know what you want to spend time on this week, and you’re certain that those things tie in with your bigger goals and values, then you want to simply know when you plan on doing them. 

Some people say that planning your week is restrictive and that life happens and then you cannot stick to your plan. But I see that as operating from circumstance rather than believing that I have control over my time. 

Sometimes life does happen. Sometimes we make a plan and the school phones because our kid got hurt on the jungle gym. Sometimes you are sick, sometimes there is a legitimate crises that needs your attention in that moment. 

But, let’s be honest. Most of the time. There isn’t a real life crisis. The ciris is in our head. We uncommit ourselves from our plans because we don’t feel like doing it. We planned to do something and then when the time comes we don’t want to. 

And we do this mostly because we are avoiding discomfort. Procrastination happens because we are avoiding the discomfort we think we will feel when we do the thing.

We’re not really avoiding. We are delaying.

So let’s say you want to write a series of sales emails for your next launch. But you feel confused about what you want to say and there is a part of you that is worried whether anyone will buy. So you avoid writing the sales emails and watch a series on netflix instead.

You are avoiding the discomfort of sitting down and writing the sales emails. BUT it is really important for you to grow your business. And you know that making more offers and more sales is an important piece to achieving that goal. So, watching Netflix instead means you might feel good in the moment, but you are actually creating more discomfort because at the end of the month when you need to pay those bills, you won’t have the kind of income you hoped. Which will also be super uncomfortable. Probably more uncomfortable than what writing the sales emails would have been.

This is why we set goals and six months down the road we aren’t any closer to making them a reality.We often know exactly what we need to do, but doing it is uncomfortable and so we try to avoid the discomfort by keeping ourselves busy with other things.

Tony Robbins always says, What people can do is astonishing, but what they will do is disappointing.

Managing your emotions is the only way you will do what you intended on doing. And it requires you to be aware of what is stopping you in the moment. What feeling are you avoiding when you procrastinate on doing the thing you know you want to do? As soon as you are willing to feel that emotion you will do the task even if you don’t feel like it.

Sticking to the plan is the hardest part. Most people think they don’t have control over their own emotions but we do. Building the awareness and then learning how to move yourself through the discomfort is the key in creating the results you want in your business.

Interested in learning more about The School of Less Effort? Learn more here.


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Ilonka Ras

Ilonka is a certified Strategic Intervention Coach and has a passion for helping overworked women entrepreneurs free up space and energy in their day so they have more time for the things that matter to them.

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