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Replay Monday Ep#51 How to hack your brain to create more of the good stuff in your life

July 23, 20234 min read

Listen to the episode here 👇


Have you ever wondered how some people just always see the good or the beautiful in everything? 

When I was at Varsity, I didn’t stay in the dorms on campus, I actually drove in from our apartment to class every day. As I was driving to class one morning, I noticed this beautiful tree on the side of the road. 

I remember thinking: “Was this tree always here?? How did I not see it?”.

The tree was huge and had obviously been there for many years, probably even before I was born. 

The only thing that changed was…I saw it. My attention was now on it. It had always been there. My attention on the other hand hadn’t.

The same happens when we have a desire for a new car. Once our attention is on it, we see them everywhere!

As humans, we can take in a lot of information but we also filter out a lot of information so that we don’t overwhelm ourselves. Our brain distorts, deletes, and generalizes information all the time.

Although we’re not actively aware of the blood rushing through our left eardrum, it doesn’t mean it isn’t happening. We’re just not consciously focusing our attention on it.

This is a normal part of our brain and helps us to focus and get stuff done!

The part of our brain responsible for filtering out the information is called the Reticular Activating System (or the RAS for short). The RAS works like a flashlight, shining a light on what you are looking for.

Most people use the RAS with no conscious intention on their part but once you see it in action you can hack your brain and use it as a tool to achieve your goals, feel better about your life, and find more good stuff in your world!

Our RAS is a link between our subconscious and conscious brain and it’s important to know that our beliefs play a big role in what the RAS filters out. If you’re finding it hard to find the “good stuff” (whatever that is for you), you want to check in with your beliefs around that subject.

Let’s use  “not having enough time” as an example of how you can use the RAS to shift your focus..

If I go around all day saying (and believing) “I don’t have enough time”, my RAS will filter out information based on this belief and I will see evidence of how little time I have.

Here’s a quick way for you to use the power of your RAS to your advantage.

  1. Set the intention to see more of what you want.

You don’t need to do anything else. Setting the intention is ALL it takes to light up the RAS flashlight and bring it into your awareness.

Play around with this exercise this week:

  • Set the intention to see your favorite colour

  • Set the intention to see people smile today

As you experience the RAS working, you can take it up a notch to things like: 

-Noticing how many opportunities there are to grow your business. If you set the intention to see the opportunities your brain will actively start searching for it. 

-Noticing all the positive attributes of your mother in law? Have I gone too far? HAHA. (I love my mother in law by the way).

In all seriousness, you get to choose what you focus on. You can focus on the stuff that make you feel bad or you can start training your brain for the things you appreciate, the things that make feel alive, and the things that will create the life and business you desire.. 

May you have an amazing week filled with all the good stuff you want to see in your world!


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Ilonka Ras

Ilonka is a certified Strategic Intervention Coach and has a passion for helping overworked women entrepreneurs free up space and energy in their day so they have more time for the things that matter to them.

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